KBTBB (Truth)

954 47 12

Liza:Like the Hell it would be!

Gian Carlo:I bet there is no need for me to ask if you are alright..

Liza:Yeah.. You know how much i hate it when people worry about me.

Gian Carlo:So, tell me. How do the bidders treated you there?

Liza:As always, very harsh. But who cares? I am used to it, Even though they will use foul languages, I wouldn't hurt, Like duh!

Gian Carlo:I care Serena, you are a princess, Princesses shouldn't be treated that way!

Liza:It is not like I wanted it either, don't worry, 6 months to go and I will be Serena Marchesa again!

Gian Carlo:Just tell me you're problems, I will listen to you.

Liza:Yes, I know.. Well, I gotta go now.. See ya..


~~~~~~~~IN THE MORNING~~~~~~~


Liza: [!!]

Ota:Liza, you have a lot of explaining to do!

Liza:Eh? what do you mean explaining?

Soryu:Don't play dumb woman!

Baba:It is about what happened last night!

Liza:L-Last night? What do I have to do about it?

Eisuke:Frank had a hostage, it is heard to be a maid in the hotel, so I've gathered all the maids, but only you isn't present there..

Ota:Where were you last night Liza?

Liza:(Shoot! Damn it) Uh.... I were--

Manager:Excuse me, The police are here

Eisuke:Ok, Liza come with us..


~~~~~AT THE LOBBY~~~~

Eisuke:You dirty little rat, what were you thinking?

Frank:Hmph! You little-!

Suddenly Frank saw me

Frank:Heh, If I were you don't keep my eyes on me, it is not only me who hides a dirty little secret here, why don't you Look for bigger rats?

Frank wears an evil smirk on his face

Eisuke:What do you mean?

Frank:I know that you know...

Baba:What is this guy talking about boss?

Mamoru:Enough talk, your coming with us!

~~~~~~AT THE SUIT~~~~~~

Liza:Here is the coffee..

Eisuke:Put it there.

Liza:*Puts the cup*

Soryu:Just what the hell are you hiding from us woman?!


Ota:We know Liza, you're acting pretty weird, just who the hell are you?!

Eisuke:We tailed you last night! Soryu saw how you fought those guys!

Soryu:A girl like you can't actually fight those people, they are also people who worked at a mafia..

Eisuke stands up and goes near me, he pushed me to the wall and blocked the way

Eisuke:Are you a person who we should be scared of?

I looked into his eyes and we exchanged cold looks and reply him bravely like I am back on being Serena

Liza:Hmph, *smirks* Try to figure that out by yourself, Mr.Genius.*I pushed him using one arm and walked to the group*

Liza:Seems Like this is it.. You guys got me... I am not really a weak,stupid,ugly,good-for-nothing girl.. I am more than that..

Soryu:Oh yeah?

Liza:Base to the tune of your voice it sounds like you don't freakin' believe me..

Mamoru:Well then, speak..

Liza:I am Serena Marchesa, the leader of the RED SAND SCORPIONS,the owner of The Green Emerald, the daughter of Luciana and Roberto Marchesa......

The room filled with silence and then they burst out laughing

Mamoru:Geez, don't joke like that..

Soryu:You can't even beet my bodyguards..

Serena:Tch, peep squeaks.. Oh really? bring them on..

Soryu:Very well then, but don't blame us if your life ends today, I've been waiting for a long time to dispose you woman..

Serena:I've been waiting for a long time to fight you as well Soryu Oh..

Soryu called up Inui

Inui:You called up boss?

Soryu:Dispose her..

Inui:Eh? You mean, right here and right now?


Serena:Huh? You sounded like you could dispose of me any time you want, well then sorry to you but that won't freakin' happen!

Baba:You know, Serena is a Princess, she can't say stuff like Freak or whatsoever you now..

Serena:Oh really..

*Inui gets his gun and aim it at me*

but i run into him and punch him, I kick the gun out of his hands and the gun flew away while it was falling I catch the falling gun and get closer to Inui and point the gun to his head leaving him speechless...

Serena: So... You think I'm playing games?

I drop the gun and get out of the room leaving those guys Speechless and in shock