KBTBB (Say It)

294 16 3


After Eisuke went inside to his room, I was left alone in the Hallway and suddenly Ota came.



Ota:"How funny. You were left alone, it seems like no matter who it is he just really go on with his attitude."

Serena:"Doesn't really matter.. What do you want?"

Ota:"You seemed to be down.. Want to talk?"

Serena:"We're talking already."

Ota:"Ahaha. Come on."

Ota grabbed my hand 


Ota:"Don't worry, I will not do  anything to you Princess.."

Ota take me to his studio

Serena:"Why here?"

Ota:"Because this is a place where there are no people that's going to bother us. Only you and me."

Serena:"Hmm..Is there something you wanted to say to me?"

Ota:"You like Eisuke don't you?"

Serena:"What do you mean?"

Ota:"Come on. It's obvious.. When Eisuke said that he's going to marry Carolina, your expression is like the world is going to end."

Serena:"That's nonsense."

Ota:"No it's not. You've pretended to be Eisuke's fiancee for a long time. It's kinda impossible for you not to fall for him. And now that you are the Princess the both of you are almost kinda equal. So the both of you will yell and tease each other.. Are you sure that you still haven't fallen for him?"

Serena:"Why are you telling me this?"

Ota:"Nothing..If you love him why won't you stop the wedding?"

Serena:"How funny. I don't care. So what? It's not like Eisuke is going to be with that woman forever. He's just going to divorce her when he already gets what he wants to them."

Ota:"You sure?"


Ota:"Hahaha! Look at you.. You jealous?"

Serena:"Why would I be? And for your information, I am the one who said to Eisuke to Marry Carolina. You want proof? Go and ask Baba."

Ota:"I know that. Baba told me..Us.. We got even shocked that you told him that."

Serena:"There's nothing for me to be worried about that Ota. I don't have any kind of relationship with that man.. Everything that happened before........Were all just.....An act..."


I don't know what Ota is trying to say but..If I did like Eisuke..It's only temporary. I cannot like someone. Because I lived in this Mafia world.. If I will marry someone, It cannot be the person that I liked, because everything is already planned.. If I will marry that person, It would be for the sake of the organization or business. Not because I like that person..


After the silence, Ota sighed 

Ota:"If your're not going to do anything, Eisuke will be stole by that kind of woman. And you will have a little chance on getting him back."

Serena:"Don't worry.. I don't have such plans on getting him back..I cannot like him. Not here, or there..Things are just complicated. I am the next successor, I am already arranged marriage with someone. I don't know who, but.. It cannot be Eisuke. I value our business more than my happiness.."

Ota:"Are you serious? You value your business more than your happiness?"

Serena:"Yeah.. Actually, I was kinda trained for that. I cannot get anything I want without my mother's permission. Everything must went through my mother because she will decide everything for me. I never tried doing anything because I have a lot of servants with me, I cannot do anything I want because of the Palace rules. All my life I never tried freedom..I did something stupid just to be thrown out of the palace.. And here I am.. From Princess to maid.."


Serena:"But it's ok..Because I've experienced a life that I have never been experienced before. It was kinda fun though..Even if it's killing me..Others from the palace thinks that this is a punishment or whatever, but for me, this is already my freedom..Weird right?"

I tried making a smiling face in front of Ota

Serena:"I think I can still do this. But when it comes to relationships, I cannot...That's something I cannot do on my own free will. Only my family can decide who I will marry..That is why I just told Eisuke to Marry Carolina, so that, In that way, something can stop me from liking him..It's better that way.."

I looked down and start to walk away.. I turned my back and looked at Ota

Serena:"Thanks Ota..See you later. I wanted to go to the park and take a walk..."

Ota looked at me with a sad expression and just nodded. 


While I was walking while looking at the ground, I looked above and it looks like it's going to rain

Serena:"Even the sky is sad.."

The the rain starts falling down

Serena:"It's going to rain hard.."

I continued walking and I saw a man under the umbrella in front of me but I cannot see his face it's covered. I just continue walking and walk passing through him, then suddenly he grabbed my arm and pulled in front of him 

Serena:"Hey! What in the world are----?!"



Eisuke:"I don't know you like soaking yourself in the rain."

Serena:"Let go!"

He lets go of my arm

Serena:"What are you doing here?"

Eisuke:"The wedding of me and Carolina will be after 2 days."

Serena:"What?! But that's so quick!"

Eisuke:"I know. When I got inside my room, my phone vibrated and that message appeared on my phone."


Eisuke:"I was suppose to tell you that.. But when I opened the door, you were not in there already. I looked at your room but no one was there. So I asked Baba and the others, and they said that you went out with Ota.."


Eisuke:"I texted Ota and he said that you are here.. So I came, because I know that you haven't brought any umbrella."

Serena:"Eisuke..Tell me, what do you want to say? You have a lot of things to do right? You cannot just come here just to give me an umbrella and tell me that. What is your purpose?"

Eisuke:"You see...There's something I wanted to tell you...."

The both of us are not talking for a minute and only the raindrops I could hear loudly

Serena:"Say it.."