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Chapter Three- Entering and Exploring

"Firs' years, this way! Firs' years, ov'r 'ere!" A booming voice sounded over all the students chatter as they went up to the castle. Kat made her way over with Ron and Harry when she saw who was talking.

"Hagrid!" Harry had called the man, whom replied to Harry telling him it was good to see him.

"Bloody hell..." Ron gasped, taking in the mans appearance, swearing he was part giant.

After arriving at the castle by boat, Kat found herself standing near the back of the line- if you could call it that, all these first years bunched together- with Hermione not that far ahead of her. Everyone was stopped by an older woman standing at the top of the flight of stairs. She told the students to wait there for her and left. Something was happening at the front of the line but she couldn't bring herself to care much, thinking it was not important. After waiting for a while, Kat saw the woman returning. The group was lead to what was deemed the 'Great Hall', according to Hermione. Kat heard her say some other interesting facts about the ceiling and what not. She saw the fabled Sorting hat sitting atop a stool and clapped after it had finished its song. Names started to be called, a dark haired girl's name was called and she was sorted into Ravenclaw. She was slightly surprised when the Hermione girl was sorted into Gryffindor, but proud. After all, that's what she was going to be sorted into. Wasn't she? That thought didn't occur to her until a Malfoy boy, Draco apparently, sat down and was sorted into Slytherin before the hat even touched a hair on his head. What if she wasn't sorted into Gryffindor? What would Molly and Arthur think? What would... what would Ginny think? Then the twins rolled into her head. A few girls and a couple boys were sorted into Ravenclaw followed by an assortment of newly deemed Hufflepuffs.  A girl was sorted into Slytherin and ran to sit next to 'Draco'. Harry's name was called and he was sorted into Gryffindor. Another girl was called only to be sorted into Hufflepuff while another boy was sorted into Gryffindor. Then, her name was called.

"Prewett, Katherine." The woman's voice echoed throughout the Great Hall as the applause slowed and stopped for the last person.
She walked past Ron who grinned at her and told her that he would see her at the table.

'Oh, a Prewett huh? I wondered when another would come around. So many traits, but which are your strongest and which are the ones you love and value the most?'
Um, bravery I guess? I didn't know there was a quiz.
'Don't be silly, of course there isn't. You have many traits that are valued in each house, any house would be lucky to have you. Very different from your past Prewetts! Interesting, very interesting. I know you want to be put in Gryffindor but I will not allow another student to go where they will not thrive and be their best!'
With that, the Sorting Hat yelled which house she would be in.

Time seemed to slow down. Kat's heart almost stopped beating as she shot her head to look at Ron, who had the same surprised look as she did. She looked at Harry, Hermione, Fred, and George who all looked at her with pity. Percy wouldn't even look at her. She stood and started to walk to the Slytherin table, walking past Ron as she did. His surprised face turned to one of hurt and betrayal and looked away from her. She could've sworn she saw tears start to form before he looked away. She sat across from the Draco Malfoy boy as shock settled in. What would her last remaining family think?

The rest of the night would've flown by had she not been kicked under the table by the boy across from her. "First Prewett in Slytherin, are you? Looks like the House of Prewetts might make a comeback in the wizarding world after all!" He laughed proudly and quickly grabbed food when it appeared on the table after Dumbledore's speech.

Kat started to pile food on her plate as well, seeing many of her favorite foods before her as well as comfort foods. Of course, she got a little shy before she took from any of the dishes and let everyone else start grabbing food first. She didn't like to eat in front of strangers, what if they thought she was a pig! When she saw the girl next to Draco eat though, she realized she was not nearly as sloppy as her and she was fine. Draco attempted to try to lean away from her but when the girl leaned further towards him, he gave up.
She learned that maybe she was not quite so different from her house mates after all. Perhaps, just perhaps, she could give being a Slytherin a shot.

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