Find your spirit animal

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I made this spell myself

•your voice
•quiet place
•alone time
•your mind

Ok so first you need to sit down in a quiet and undisturbed place, sit in a meditating position and meditate for a few minutes. Once you feel relaxed and calm keep your eyes still closed and think of nothing, then think about animals not just one but every kind of animal, think of the animals habitat so like forests, ocean, artic, etc whichever one you feel most connected to use that scenery. then visualise you sitting in the habitat. Visualise the feel the smell, what it sounds like. Then chant this:
"Gods and goddesses I ask you please to show me what my spirit animal is so mote it be" after you say that a few times a random animal should come to your mind or will be seen, this means that is your spirit animal.

If you don't have an animal show then wait, when you go to bed you should see a certain animal In your dream you will feel connected to this animal, that is your spirit animal. If you don't dream of the animal in the morning when you out an animal may appear for you, you will feel as if you are meant to be with it that's a sign of the animal to be your spirit animal

Btw~ when I did this I saw an eagle in my dream, then the next day I saw an eagle outside the shops just staring at me, I have been connected to eagles for a while.

Comment what yours is


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