Summon familiar spells

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#spell 1

• your voice
• (X) pages/ papers
• something to write with

This spell summons your familiar note that this does not tell you how to tame him/her/it
You can only tame it if your heart is solid like a rock

Take a piece of paper (any size) and lay it flat in your hand or on a table. draw a symbol of power (any that you feel comfortable with works) i would recommend a rune for the symbol.

clear your mind then ask/chant for a familiar, this means something like "come to me familiar" any thing works.

(NOTE! your familiar may not like you, you need a strong voice and your eyes cant quiver any sine of weakness will make your familiar attack you)
(other note! not every one has a familiar or does not have the will to summon him/her/it)

#spell 2

-An Animal of some form.(Your choice of animal.)

A familiar is a witche's/wizard's pet. You have to do a ritual for it. Most wizards and witches have, cats, owls, rodents and many other creatures. You can you Use any animal. A familiar is an animal whom will help with casting spells, rituals and protect you as you rest.

Stand/sit/kneel in front of your animal of choice. (Or hold it.)
Chant 1x:

You, will become my familiar, you are a strong,brave and smart (Type of animal, Cat, dog, bird ECT) Your name will be, (Name, not it's actual name. Make a stage name, for the magical world, don't call it by it's magical name when humans can overhear.) Once called, (Animal's Real name) now (Animal's Magical name) in Magic(k) world.
I summon you as my familiar.

Side Effects that may or may not happen:
Animal May seem More friendly.
You may feel closer to the animal.
A strong bond forms.
You may hear the animal's voice in your head.


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