IMPORTANT... Magick situations

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I just want to clear this up real quick in summary. Have any of you attempted the supernatural spells such as werewolves, vampire or Mers? Maybe even a wing growing spell? Well if you have you probably haven't seen results from it and it's been a few months, maybe a year you have waited for the spell to kick in... Spells DON'T work by themselves let alone shift you themselves, if you want to become a mermaid, werewolf or grow wings, you need to use the shifting method in order for it to full work! Spells are just a boost of energy towards that goal. If any of you here have supernatural ancestry then it may be easier for you.

Now another thing is magick levels, are you new to magick? Did you find a spell book and see a spell you really wanted to try? You have to be aware that some spells may or may not work for you depending on your magick level, it all comes down to your energy, belief system and how high your vibrations are, if you are low class don't try summoning spells cause 1. It either won't work or 2. It can backfire and something bad could happen. If your low class stick to element spells, medium class can move to more higher spells and practices, high class can do Anything they wish.

Oh and another thing, if you are someone who doesn't believe in supernaturals or their existence, please don't slander other people's beliefs! You wouldn't want others trash talking yours, so how about we all be respectful and kind to each other and ones beliefs.

That's all I wanted to clear up, In my witchcraft book I'm gonna start adding more to it. Love y'all ❤️❤️

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