Altar- an area or surface built or designed exclusively for magical or religious working and rituals.
Amulet- a natural object, often of a stone or fossil used as a protection device to the holder
Ankh- the most famous Egyptian hieroglyphic, the ankh symbolises life, love and reincarnation. It is often worn around the neck and is shaped like a cross with a loop on top
Aquarius -the eleventh sign of the zodiac, ruling from January 21 –February 19; and Air sign ruled by the planet Uranus
Aradia (air-a-dee-a) – Italian goddess, claimed to be Queen of Witches by some Wiccans
Aries – the first sign of the zodiac, ruling from March 21 – April 20; a Fire sign ruled by the planet Mars
astral body – representation of person or things found in astral plane
astral plane – a kind of dimension composed of energy
astral projection – an out-of-body experience usually induced through trance
athame – small, double-edged ritual dagger, usually black-handled; used to draw Circles and direct energy
aura – an energy field surrounding all living things
balefire – a sacred outdoor fire burned by some Wiccan at certain Sabbats
banish – to drive away or release a spirit or energy
B.C.E. – Before Common Era; an alternate dating system corresponding to B.C
Beltain – Sabbat held on May 1st; also known as May Day, May Eve, Rood Day, Roodmas, and Walpurgisnacht
besom – a magical broom
Big Blue Book – sometimes Uncle Bucky's Big Blue Book, refers to Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft, a commonly read beginner's book
binding – a spell which generally involves tying knots in cords or a similar action, aimed at restricting energy or actions
bolline – a small, white handled knife
Book of Illuminations – alternate name for what is traditionally called Book of Shadows
Book of Light – alternate name for what is traditionally called Book of Shadows
Book of Shadows – a collection of rituals, notes, spells, etc. as well as sometimes a journal of workings
Burning Times – name given to Reformation and Inquisition, when the Church actively killed people for practicing "witchcraft"
Cancer – fourth sign of the zodiac, ruling from June 22 – July 22; a Water sign ruled by the Moon
Candlemas – Sabbat held on February 2nd; also known as Imbolg/Imbolc, Oimelc, or Candelaria
Capricorn – tenth sign of the zodiac, ruling from December 23 – January 20; an Earth sign ruled by the planet Saturn
cauldron – pot or kettle, generally used as Goddess symbol
C.E. – Common Era; an alternate dating system corresponding to A.D.
censer – an incense burner
ceremonial magick – the art and practice of controlling spirits through force of will, requires dedication and study
chakras – seven energy points within the body
chalice – special glass/goblet used in rituals
circle – magical construct used in rituals
consecration – act of blessing an object with positive energy
corn dolly – a human or animal figure fashioned out of a sheaf of corn; used in spells and as fertility symbol
coven – a group of people who come together to ritual and study
Crone – one of the aspects of the Threefold Goddess
crone – older, wise woman
divination – art of foretelling future events or revealing knowledge through the use of tools (eg. Tarot, runes, etc.)
Drawing Down the Moon – invoking the Goddess into one's self, usually in a ritual
Dawning Down the Sun – invoking the God into one's self, usually in ritual
Book of spells
RandomMagic spells in here they are real and don't mess around with them they can be dangerous use at your own risk