Healing potion

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Mysterious and I made this ourselves and it has worked I no longer have a massive scab on my knee!

A lemon
The lemons juice
The lemons skin
Lemon seed
Pinch of dirt
Aloe Vera plant
Something to hold the potion in like a container
A bowl

First get a bowl and fill it with water. Then get an aloe Vera plant and squeeze the sap out of it into the bowl, put a pinch of dirt in it, get a fresh lemon and squeeze some of the juice into the bowl then get a little bit of the skin and put it in, dig the lemon seed out of the lemon and put it in. After that use something to stir the potion (we used a stick *earth*)
After a good stir put it into a container (we used a beaker) say this chant:

"God Apollo of healing I ask you please to heal this (cut or scab) on my (area of cut) once I put this potion on it poof it will be gone so mote it be"

Tip some of the potion onto your cut or scab then wait till the next day it should become smaller, if it's a scab it will disappear but will leave a little grey mark there.


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