Wiccan/pagan glossary M-Z

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Mabon – Fall Equinox Sabbat

magic – "The Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will" – A. Crowley

magick, majic, majick – alternate spellings for magic (not accepted by all)

Maiden – one of the aspects of the Threefold Goddess

maiden – female assistant to High Priestess in some traditions

meditation – the act of engaging in quiet contemplation or reflection

Midsummer – Summer Solstice Sabbat

Mother – one of the aspects of the Threefold Goddess


Neo-Paganism – an umbrella term, referring to modern-day practices which aim to revive nature religions, Goddess-worship and/or mystery traditions

New Age – a modern spiritualism movement, followers of which believe we create our own reality

numerology – a method of divination that analyzes the symbolism of numbers


Old Ones – name encompassing all gods and goddess

Old Religion – used to refer to Witchcraft, Paganism, and/or Wicca (lots of differing opinions here as to its correctness)

once-born – non-Wiccan (derogatory)

Ostara – Spring Equinox Sabbat


pagan – a non-Christian, Muslim or Jew

Pagan – a follower of an Earth-Based religion

pantheism – belief in or worship of more than one god belonging to more then one pantheon

pentacle – five-pointed star, three dimensional

pentagram – five-pointed star, two dimensional

Pisces – the twelfth sign of the zodiac ruling from February 20- March 20; a Water sign ruled by the planets Jupiter and Neptune

polytheism – belief in or worship of more than one god


Querent – in divination, the person who ask questions of the reader


rede/Wiccan Rede – "An it harm none, do what thou will"

ritual – a religious or magical ceremony, characterized by formalized actions and words

ritual magic – high magic, magic focusing on spiritual realm

runes – divination tool using symbols carved into wood or stone

runes – symbols, early alphabets


Sabbats – the eight holy days based on the seasons

Sagittarius – the ninth sign of the zodiac ruling from November 23 – December 22; a Fire sign ruled by the planet Jupiter

Samhain – Sabbat held on October 31st

scry – gaze into or at an object with the intent to see future events or distant places

Scorpio – the eight sign of the zodiac ruling from October 24 – November 22; a Water sign ruled by the planets Mars and Pluto

skyclad – naked

Solitary – a name given to Wiccans or other pagans who work and worship alone

spell – a magical working aimed at changing reality

Spirit – the fifth (yes, fifth) of the four magical elements

spirit – an animating or vital principle within all living beings

spirit – a discarnate entity, such as a ghost or apparition

sympathetic magic – magic which works on the principle that like attracts like; image magic; creative visualization


talisman – object marked with magical signs, used for protection or to attract beneficial energy

Tarot cards – set of 78 cards, 22 Major Arcana and 56 Minor Arcana, used for self-discovery or divination

Taurus – the second sign of the zodiac ruling from April 21 – May 21; an Earth sign ruled by the planet Venus

theism – belief in the existence of a god or gods

Threefold Goddess – Maiden, Mother and Crone; goddess with three changing faces

Threefold Law – belief that all actions, good or bad, are returned three times over

tradition – group of covens sharing a common lineage, rituals, and beliefs



Virgo – the sixth sign of the zodiac ruling from August 22 – September 23; an Earth sign ruled by the planet Mercury


wand – ritual tool, usually made of wood and 21″ in length

Water – one of the four magical elements  Water Symbol Water Symbol Water Symbol

Wheel of the Year – a term used by Wiccans to mean one complete cycle of the year, encompassing all eight Sabbats

Wicca – Earth-Based religion

Wiccan – follower of Wicca

Wiccaning – a Wiccan birth rite where the Lord and Lady are asked to watch over the baby

widdershins – counter-clockwise direction

witch – practitioner of witchcraft

Witchcraft – art of spell casting, focusing mainly on low magic



yang – in Taoism, the active, male, positive principle

yin – in Taoism, the passive, female, negative principle

yoni – a stylized representation of the female genitalia symbolizing the feminine principle

Yule – Winter Solstice Sabbat


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