Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

Sam's POV

After about a minute or so, Freddie comes back with a plate of saltines, and a cup filled with water. He sets them both on my bedside table, then helps me sit up. He hold the straw from the cup up to my mouth, and I take slow sips to keep myself hydrated. Once I'm done, Freddie sets the cup back on the table, and props me up with a few pillows. After I'm comfortable, he hands me the plate of saltines for me to eat. I put them in my lap, pick one up, and take a bite out of it, hoping I could keep it down. I could, which was a relief, so I ate the rest.

"How are you feeling, Sam?" Freddie asks me once I'm finished.

"I feel worse than that time I ate rancid chocolate. And that time I licked the swing set." I tell him truthfully. I almost regret eating that meat. But, I don't. Because I loved it.

Freddie rubbed my back comfortingly, and I lean my head on his shoulder. I HATE getting sick. It's a complete waste of time!

After a minute or so, my eyes got droopy, and I fell asleep.

About three or so hours later, I woke up to the smell of smoke. I felt a lot better, so I jumped out of bed and ran to the source, where the smoke detector was blaring, and Freddie was waving a rag underneath of it, trying to get it to shut up. Cat, meanwhile, was running around screaming, "911! 911! Fire! Fire! S.O.S.! Whatever the heck that stands for! AH!" Suddenly,  she stopped running, and started coughing from the smoke. "Ooh, I need some water." I should make that doctor's appointment soon..

I ran back to mine and Cat's room, and grabbed my baseball bat from the closet. I went back over to the smoke detector, grabbed a stool, stood on it, and started to mash up the detector. After about five hits, the beeping sound stopped.

"What happened here?!" I asked them, throwing down the baseball bat.

"Well, I accidentally opened the oven, accidentally took off my shoe, and accidentally put it into the oven when it was on. But, it was an accident. I swear!" Cat said, holding her hands up. I roll my eyes.

"Well, I'm going to go get dressed. Open the door to let the room air out." I tell them. Then, I go back into mine and Cat's room and get dressed as fast as I can. I'm really hungry.

Once I'm done, I run back into the room to a surprise. My jaw drops, and I frown. I can feel the tears coming, but I hold them back, because Sam Puckett doesn't cry.

Right in front of me, I see Freddie and Cat, kissing.

And, not just a little peck, it's a full-on make out. Lips locked, Freddie's hands on Cat's hips, Cat's around Freddie's neck. Now, there's a pain in my chest. Right where my heart is. I actually think it just broke.

Freddie Benson, the nerdy nub, my boyfriend, just broke my heart.


Still updating! Updating frenzy to get to, remember? Chapter thirteen and more will be up by Tuesday, plus chapter fourteen. You guys deserve it. Love y'all, and thanks for reading!

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