Chapter Fifteen - The End

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Chapter Fifteen

"Happy birthday!"

"It's my birthday? How did you guys remember?" Sam asked, eyes wide in shock and surprise.

"I told them," Freddie said, kissing the top of her head.

"Thanks, guys! So, where's the cake?"

Three hours later, Sam was sprawled out on the couch asleep, and Cat and Freddie were finishing eating the pizza that they had ordered earlier. Freddie and Cat had put off giving their presents to Sam, and she didn't really know why. She hoped it was for a good reason.

When Sam woke up, Cat gave her her present first. She had gotten her a new leather jacket, since she had given the first one she had gotten her to a neighbor for a gross pillow. Sam then opened Freddie's present, and she smiled.

He had gotten her a necklace with a fancy 'S' on the end. She then did something that they were not expecting.

"Thanks you guys," Sam told them, giving them a hug. Cat's jaw dropped, but Freddie just returned the hug. She put the necklace on, and it was the end to an amazing day.

.::. .::. .::. .:~:.

When Sam got the call a few weeks later, she dropped the phone in surprise. Who was the caller?

Carly Shay.

Sam picked the phone back up quickly. "Hey, how's Italy?"

"Good. How are things in Seattle?"

"Actually, I moved to LA."

"Um, excuse me? I think we're breaking up.."

"Nope. Fredweird's here too."

"Okay then... We need to catch up. But I think we should end this call... It costs a lot to talk over phone..."


"...So I'm coming for a visit. In a few days. Happy birthday, bye!" Carly then hung up without another word. Alright then..

"Freddie!" She called, running into the living room.


"Carly's coming."

"What?! Sam, she's in Italy," he said. Sam rolled her eyes.

"No duh. I mean she just called me and she's coming to visit." She explained.

"Really? When?" He asked.

"A few days."

"How long is she staying?"

"God, you ask a lot of questions. I don't know how long."

"Okay... Cool."

A few days later, Sam and Freddie went to LAX to pick up Carly, who had a surprisingly large number of bags. She ran up and engulfed them in a hug.

"Why so many bags? How long are you staying?" Freddie asked, picking up a few bags.

"Wellllll, how would you guys feel if I stayed her, for, like... Okay, how would you feel if I.. Can I live with you?" Carly asked tentatively.

"Are you serious?! Yes!" Sam exclaimed.

"What about your dad?"

"He had to move to Germany, so he said I could either come with him or move back, and I missed you guys, so I moved back! ...Wait, where's Spencer?" Carly explained.


"I'm going to have to visit him sometime soon.."

"Yep. Now come on, let's go!" Sam rushed, pulling her along. Freddie, as always, was left to carry the bags.

When they got back to the apartment, everyone got along great, when Carly met Cat. They even went and stayed in Seattle for a week, but left Cat with Nona to make sure she was okay.

Freddie and Sam had their ups and downs, but they stayed together for a long time, and actually even got married. Carly met someone who she really liked, and Cat, well, she eventually got together with that weird kid Robbie Shapiro, but we don't really know where that's going.

All we know, is that they lived long, and happy lives. They're still living, actually.. So that's good...


Sorry it had such an abrupt ending, but I didn't really know where to go with this story, so here it is! :) Thank you for reading is story, and have a lovely rest of the week!

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