Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

Sam's POV

Freddie and I finished playing Truth or Dare, and now we're just sitting on the couch, doing absolutely nothing. How fun! Cat was away with Nona for the day.

Then, there's a booming knock on the door, as if someone's trying to break it down. Uh- oh. I really hope it isn't who I think it is.

"Who is it?" I ask nervously.

"It's the police! Open up!" A man replies. Oh, crap. Freddie looks at me questioningly, and I shrug my shoulders. I get up, and open the door. The police pile into the apartment, looking for something.

"Um, can we help you?" Freddie asks them.

"Yes, you can. Are you Samantha Puckett?" A police officer asks him. Um, does he look anything like my mugshot?

"No, I am." I tell the man as polite as I can. But, not without a polite eye roll. That's actually a new record.

"Samantha Puckett, you have been charged with grand theft, and assault. You need to come with us; everything in this apartment from now on is considered evidence, and is condemned as of now." He told us. My eyes widened. I haven't done any of that stuff!

Well, actually... But, I did my time for them, and I haven't committed any theft recently. Assault's a different story.

"But, I haven't stolen anything, and my last assault was months ago!" I protested. The officer took a security camera out from a locked brief case, and turned it on.

"Look at this video. It was taken just three weeks ago, at a local store." He told us. Freddie and I looked at the screen.

Once the video started, it showed everything going normal. Then, after a couple of seconds, a girl that looked like me walked into the store with something hanging from her belt.. A gun.

The girl walked up to the cash register, then shouted something and fired a blank towards the ceiling. The video was only visual, no audio.

It looked like there was screaming. Then, the girl said something, while pointing the gun at the cashier. Whatever she said must've been pretty intimidating, because the cashier handed over a bucket-load of money. But, that was only the beginning.

She aims the gun at the cashier's leg, then shoots him. So that would be the assault. Then, the video turned to static, and the police officer put the security camera back into the brief case.

"See? Pure evidence." He said, turning me around and hand cuffing my wrists together.

Then, it clicks.


She must've been the one who did this! It makes perfect sense. She looks exactly like me, and she was here helping me trick Cat just three weeks ago. That little.. I always knew she was evil.

"But, officer! It wasn't me, it was Melanie Puckett, my evil twin sister!" I protest as the police take me out to the cop car.

"Save it for court," the officer tells me. Then, he Miranda's me. Y'know, where they say,

"Anything you say or do will be used and/or held against you in court"? Yeah, that speech.

I knew I wasn't going to juvy, since, once you're eighteen, you go to jail. And I turned eighteen about two months ago.

As I'm being put into the back seat of the cop car, Freddie says to me, "I'll get you out, Sam, I promise. I love you!" Then, the police officer closes the door, and we drive off to the Los Angelos Detention Center.

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