Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

Sam's POV

I walk outside, still searching for Freddie. Where is he? I literally just saw him back in the court room! How could he just disappear?

Cat, Nona, and Dice aren't to be found, either. I'm positive that they came to the trial. Then, I hear a car horn honk right by my ears, and look up to see a ratty, torn up, and discrepant looking truck.


I walk over to it and open the passenger door, getting inside then closing the door behind me. I smile at Freddie, then look behind me at Nona, Dice, and Cat.

"You okay, Sam?" Freddie asks me. I smile, then nod.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Can we go home now?" I ask him. He smiles, nods, then shifts gears and starts driving through the parking lot. The detention center is about thirty minutes away from our apartment, so that's how long it took to get there. But, before we got home, we made a short pit stop to drop Nona off at Elderly Acres. We then proceed home.

Once we get home, I immediately jump on the couch and rest my eyes. I hear Dice say goodbye, then leave. I sigh contently. I then remember something. Something I haven't had properly for an entire week.


I stand up from the couch, walk over to the refrigerator, and open it. I look inside until I find what I'm wanting. I look at the delicious blueberry yogurt in front of me, then push that aside and grab the plate of cookies that Cat baked for my arrival home last night. How did she know I would be innocent? I shrug my shoulders, then open the container. I pick a cookie up, then bite into it.

Yum. Sugar cookie!

"Having fun over there, Sam?" I hear Freddie ask me. I turn to look at him, my mouth full of cookie, and my face covered in cookie crumbs. I nod, then throw the empty container into the dishwasher. I hear someone gasp behind me.

"Did you finish all of those cookies?! Sam, they were supposed to last longer than five minutes, you know!" Cat exclaims. I shrug my shoulders, then wipe the crumbs from my face. I hear Freddie walk over to me, then wrap his arms around my waist.

"Sam, you need a shower, like, now. You smell like smoke, cookie, must, and jail." He tells me, grimacing. I nod.

"Okay. Want to come with me?" I ask him. Surprisingly, he doesn't blush like I thought he would. He nods his head.

"Sure. I'd love to see-" Then, a scream is heard. I turn and look to Cat, who is now trying to cover her ears and her eyes at the same time.

"Don't go any further with that sentence! You two are so dirty!" She exclaims, running back into our room. Freddie and I laugh, then he turns serious.

"No, seriously Sam, I'll take one with you. Going to jail makes me want another one." He tells me. I raise an eyebrow and smirk.

"When did you get so confident?" I ask him playfully. He shrugs his shoulders, then slips his hand in mine. We smile at each other, then walk to the bathroom in the hall. We get inside, and I turn the water on while Freddie locks the door. We both undress, then get into the heated shower.

Even though I'm really confident about most of the things that I do, I have to admit, no one besides Carly and Cat have seen me naked before. Never once has Freddie. Or a boy. So, I was kind of embarrassed having him see me like that. But, I guess I can trust him; he is one of my best friends. And, we've dated twice now.

But, I have to say, Freddie is actually kind of.. Sexy when he's naked.

Freddie starts kissing my neck, and I shiver. "Cold?" He asks against my neck. I shake my head, and he gets to my jaw, then my earlobe, nibbling slightly. I fight back a moan. He then kisses my lips, and I can't help but kiss back.

About half an hour later, we were both dressed in our pajamas. We were currently laying on the couch together, my head on his chest, his arms holding my back and waist, supporting me so that I don't fall off of him.

We were watching White House Down, and I was loving it. Best movie ever, other than Men in Black and I Am Legend, of course.

The movie ends about an hour later, and Freddie was asleep underneath of me, when I suddenly hear a loud BANG! that immediately wakes him up. It sounded like a ladder hitting cement- which wasn't a good thing.

"Did you hear that?" Freddie mouths. I nod, a bit scared. What if someone was trying to break in? Or set the apartment on fire? Or both? We both got up from the couch, and I ran and got my baseball bat and a flashlight.

We walked around back, but didn't see anything. Freddie suggested checking outside, so I opened the porch door, looking around, when he points out something about twenty feet away from my motorcycle. A tree branch. Impaled into the ground.

We look up, and see that a branch is missing from a very large tree that stands at about fifty feet tall. Well, there's our culprit. A tree branch.

"Well, I guess there was nothing to worry about. Let's head back inside, Sam." He says, and we both head inside, back over to the couch. I pull off the cushions, then pull out the bed that already had sheets and a blanket set up on it. I was too lazy to walk back into the bedroom at the moment.

Freddie grabbed a pillow, and I turned off the TV. He lay down on the bed, and opened his arms for me, to which I gladly accepted. We just layed there, taking in today's events for a few minutes, before we eventually fell asleep.

In the morning, I woke up to find that Freddie was awake watching TV beside me. He saw me awake a minute later, then turned the show off, looking at me. I smiled, then leaned in and kissed him.

We then got up, and he made me some cereal for breakfast, while he ate a slice of toast. We took a few minutes finishing our food, then waiting for Cat to come into the kitchen.

But she never came.






Over 1,000 words! You guys deserved it. I am so sorry I haven't updated. Y'all are really awesome, even with all of this hectic stuff that came with switching accounts. So, thank you.

Oh, and cliff hanger! HAHAHA!!!

You don't get to find out what happened to Cat until the next chapter!! :D

Don't you guys just love me?

By the way, did you guys see Katy Perry's Dark Horse music video? It's awesome! I've seen it about a hundred times by now. I put it on the side for you guys. ---->

Thank you all!!


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