Chapter 13

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Chapter 13- *cough* *cough* I'm Sick

Clary's pov-

"Alright now I'm just going to draw a little blood." the doctor said to Izzy. I held her hand as they put the needle in. It was over pretty quick and the doctor told us she would call with the results the next day.

"It's going to be okay Izzy. You're getting married and Simon will be very happy to start a family with you. If you aren't pregnant, it will be a great opportunity to start talking about a family with him. No matter what happens, you're going to be okay." I reassured her once the doctor had left the room. She nodded and got her stuff together.

I drove back to the hotel since Izzy seemed a little distracted. The whole drive back the only sound was the radio playing softly as she stared out the passenger window. We pulled up and the Valet took our keys to park the car. We walked into the lobby and over to the elevator.

Once we reached our floor the door opened and Jace was standing in the hallway on the floor. His head shot over to us when the elevator doors shut. "Nevermind, I just found them...Ya I'll send her...okay bye." He hung up and looked at us expectedly. "Where have you been?" He questioned.

"The doctor." I replied before I realized my mistake. His eyebrows creased in confusion. "Why?" I looked over at Izzy, her eyes were as wide as mine. "I umm *cough* *cough* I'm sick..." I said unconvincingly.

He smirked a smirk I knew to well, his 'I'm planning something' smirk. "Well that's too bad. Izzy, Simon's been looking for you, you should probably go find him." He said. "That's ok, I really should be looking after clar-" He cut Izzy off. "Nonsense, I'll look after her, besides, we wouldnt want the bride getting sick. Unless of course Clary isn't actually sick." he said accusingly.

"Alright then I'll go find Simon and you can take care of Clary." Izzy shot me an apologetic look before walking to Simon's room.

"You must be tired if your sick, maybe you should lay down." he said. I slept like a baby last night and I wasn't tired at all. How am i going to get out of this one? "Or if you feel up to it, We could take a bubble bath." he said. "We?" I said unamused. "Well if you are sick enough to go to the doctor, I would never expect you to bathe yourself. That would just be cruel." He replied with a smirk. I rolled my eyes and walked toward the bed.

I lied down in the bed and he pulled the blankets over me, and added more claiming that I needed to break my 'fever'. At this point I was sweating. I tried to kick the blankets off but he just put them back on every time. "Jace I'm hot, I don't need blankets!" I told him.

"Fine, you can get out." he said as I started to move but then he stopped me. "if you tell me what all this is really about." he looked over to me. I instantly crawled back under the blankets.

He rolled his eyes and walked over to the mini bar. He opened the fridge and pulled out all of the small bottles of liquor in it. "What are you doing?" I asked. "This is clearly going to be a long night since you won't tell me and booze helps sick people feel better." great.

Jace brought the bottles over and opened one. He drank half of the small bottle and handed it to me. He was right, tonight was going to be long, so why not? I took the bottle from him and finished it.

I felt the familiar burn down my throat that reminded me of the parties we used to throw in college. I looked over to Jace and he was looking at me. "please tell me?" he asked again. I rolled my eyes and chugged another bottle. His eyes widened but he picked up on of his own and drank it off.

I smirked at him. "Worried you can't keep up Herondale?" I teased. "Nope, more worried that you can't keep up." He smirked back.

It was 9:00 by now and we had each downed four bottles. We were sitting on the bed, reminiscing about old memories. "Remember that time you flew in from Stanford and we went to that party?" Jace asked me. I giggled at the memory. "We were so drunk, you came onto me and we went upstairs but all the bedrooms were taken so we went into the bathroom and locked the door and had sex in the bathtub." I remembered. "Woah woah woah! I came onto you?! No! You were the one looking at me like I was a cheeseburger and you hadn't eaten in a month." He smirked at me. I laughed with him.

The laughter faded and I blushed as I thought about that night. I looked up through my eyelashes at Jace and saw that he was already looking at me.

I couldn't tell if it was the alcohol or the fact that I missed him that made me notice the way his hair was tousled as if he had been running his hand threw it but despite that fact, it still looked perfect.

Then I moved onto his lips, they appeared soft and pink, totally kissable.

I then looked up to his eyes that were still looking at me. When I saw the emotions in them, I nearly gasped. Desire, want, hunger, but what struck me most of all, love.

He was sitting further up on the bed than me with his legs crossed.

I turned towards him and crawled slowly toward him. Once I him I straddled his lap with my legs wrapped around him. He looked down to my lips hungrily and before I could register what was happening, he pulled my head towards his and our lips met with passion.

For once, since this whole trip began, my head and heart were finally saying the same thing.

Don't stop.

To read the continued version, Go to 'Restricted Chapters' on my profile page.

Bye Angels,

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