28. Sick

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The content in this chapter may trigger some people who have experienced disease or loss due to disease in their lives. Read with caution if you will be triggered.

Also, please don't say that this is lazy writing because of the chapter content. This is part of the main climax in the story that I have planned since the first chapter. I hope you enjoy nonetheless <3

Song: Give It Lift Off- Covette

~August ~

"Good morning babe." Ben whispered against my neck.

He had walked into the bathroom as I was getting ready for work. He snaked his arms around my waist and kissed my cheek. I was still in my pyjamas and was working foundation onto my forehead.

"Morning. You're up early." I commented.

"Yeah I am. I can't sleep." He muttered.

"Well it's 7:30. Normal people usually wake up around now." I poked his cheek with my makeup free finger.

"Yeah well I'm not a normal person am I?" He retorted. "What time do you finish work?"

"Four as usual, why?"

"I leave for tour next Tuesday. I would like to spend my last six days with my wife and child." He kissed my neck and moved away from me. "Speaking of child." He held his finger in the air just as Noah's whiny cry could be heard. "There it is." He kissed my cheek. "I'll get him."

I watched him through the mirror as he walked out. Forlornly, I went back to my routine.

Ben was leaving for tour through all of America, England and Asia. This was one of their biggest tours and he would be gone for three months. They only time he would be getting off was for a few weeks in September when it was Noah and my birthday and Christmas which would be spent in England this year. I guess I was selfish but I didn't want him to go and leave but what wife wants their husbands gone from their side? I understood that this was his dream and career but that didn't stop my emotions. Our marriage seemed to be a good luck charm. I had been healthier and happier, Noah is crawling and chewing solid foods with his three newly developed teeth. I didn't want this honeymoon period to end for us. I just had a bad feeling that everything would go downhill when he left.

I kept getting ready for the day, listening to Ben's soft singing to Noah so they could fully wake up. I dressed in a blue baby doll mini dress that was patterned with white flowers and had lace detailing at the hem and sleeves. I paired that with a pair of brown strappy sandal style heels. I left my hair out over my shoulders and decided that I was happy with my appearance. I walked out of the bedroom and down to my son's room. Ben and Noah were on the floor playing with some building blocks. Noah was shoving a big soft pink and purple block into his mouth and chewing down on it.

"He's teething again. Remember where the gel is for when he gets whiny. Apply it..." I started but Ben cut me off.

"Every four hours on the gums, yes, I know. Don't worry babe." He leaned up and kissed me. "Have a good day. I love you."

I kissed Noah and hugged both of my boys before I headed downstairs. "Have a good day."

I went down to the kitchen and grabbed my handbag and car keys, swooping them over my shoulder. I opened the back door and said goodbye to a whining Marley and Emily who were looking for possible affection and food. I knew they wouldn't get fed for a while if I didn't do it myself. I rushed through the kitchen to fill both their bowls with kibble so they would be satisfied. I kissed both their heads once more before rushing out the front door. The purring of my engine filled the car as I turned the key in the ignition and prepared myself for a day ahead. No denying I was very tired, Noah was up half the night teething. I was fluctuating between 90 and 98 pounds for two months. If I wasn't with Noah during the night, I couldn't get to sleep anyway. I was up with an uncontrollable fever and profuse sweating. I put it down to the heat of summer, being the hottest summer stretch in a while. Everything seemed to be affecting my sleep lately and I didn't know why. The only way I knew how to deal with it was to throw myself into work and pretend that it didn't exist. My eczema was working its way up my torso and onto my chest. Scarred lesions had been left on my shoulders and hands, silvery marks reminded me that they had existed on my skin. The cream helped a little but didn't vanquish the problem. I was really stressed too. Ben's touring, Jamie and Cameron got engaged and I was maid of honour, and Monique and Danny were ten weeks pregnant, Alice was eight months. On top of all that, I have work and a son, I have so much on my plate.

Life Can Do Terrible Things // Ben BruceWhere stories live. Discover now