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"You confuse me too. I don't know why but you do."

He was staring back into my eyes. We were both leaning closer to each other. I closed my eyes gracefully and waited for him to do it, to kiss me. The moment was perfect, or so I thought it was until he spoke, "Or maybe I'm confusing your lack of intelligence with something else entirely. Yeah, that must be it."

My eyes shot open after he said that and my face turned bright red. What the hell am I doing? Why did I want this rude ass  to kiss me? Jungkook cleared his throat and loosely held me against his side, putting some kind of space between us then I realized why he didn't follow through, because Yoongi frozen before us. I glanced back at Jungkook, who was awkwardly keeping his silence then he cleared his throat again.

"You didn't have to stop because of me, you know." Yoongi said casually then he showed us a smile, "By all means, carry on. Don't mind me cause I'm just passing by innocently."

"No! That's not it. This is not what it looks like." I blurted out at Yoongi, behaving like a child caught red handed with one hand inside the cookie jar.

"I know exactly what it is." He gave me a sly smile before he glanced at Jungkook, "Don't worry. I don't blabber around, right Jungkook?"

Jungkook hung his head down as Yoongi walked away while whistling to a happy tune. I broke away from Jungkook when Yoongi left, carrying my own weight on one foot.

"Go home. I can get home by myself." I said both in annoyance and embarrassment because I'm such an idiot. I want to pull all my hair out. So stupid.

"This is not the time to be stubborn. You can't even walk properly." He pulled me back to him, causing me to lose my footing and fall into his arms. "Whether you like it or not, I need to see you to your home because you're my responsibility as long as you're in the team."

I stared at his face but he wasn't looking at me. My stare was bothering him. I could tell because he was acting weird. His hand on my side felt so comforting. I have this feeling inside me, a warm kind of feeling. I don't want it to mean something but, at the same time, I kinda do.

I usually take the bus on my way home but the bus I'm supposed to take left already. The next bus is going to arrive after 30 minutes so we both waited together in the bus stop. He helped me sit down on the bench while he insisted on standing. It was so quiet between us. I wish he'd just leave.

"By the way, that thing earlier, I wasn't going to kiss you if that's what you were thinking." Jungkook started, he said this with his back facing me. "I would never even think of kissing you."

"I know that." I retorted quickly. In my head, I was already cursing him but I need to stay calm and handle the situation with the bit of dignity I have left. I'm not losing to him. "I wouldn't kiss you too if you were the last guy on the planet."

Soon the bus came. I stood myself up from the bench. Jungkook held my arm and helped me up the bus but I shrugged him off gently, "You can go home now. I can go home by myself from here."

"I'm seeing you home." He ignored me, taking the first step on the bus but I stopped him again.

"Look, Jungkook." I spoke up, making him look up at my face. Him staring at me was making my face heat up but I have to say this or else he'll think I like him, "I'm going home on my own. I just sprained my ankle. I'm not disabled."

Barbie | j.jungkookWhere stories live. Discover now