31; a little bit of romance 🌸

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"I.. kinda like you, too."

I can't believe I said that. So are we like.. in a relationship now? Is he my boyfriend? Or are we like in that unlabeled relationship thing?

I sat up on the bed and reached for my phone, next to the vase flowers that he brought for me. They really look pretty. It reminds me of him every time. Staring at my phone, wishing the screen would light up and his name would be there but it didn't. He hasn't texted me.

Why hasn't he said anything after that? We already told each other how we feel. Why wait like this?

I lied on my hospital bed, alone, I can't get his him out of my mind. I keep back tracking to his smile when I told him I feel the same. Why do I remember it so clearly? He looked so cute when he smiles. How is he doing this to me? My heart races so much when I think of that moment. I won't be able to sleep at this rate.


"Leave your phone alone. You need rest because we have school tomorrow." Sydney forcedly removed the phone out of my grip but I was holding onto it tightly, "Vee, let go now. It's 1am."

I asked her to stay over night because I didn't like the feeling of being alone in the house. Dad went on a two day camping trip with his co workers. Syd knows I have a little fear of ghosts. Just a little though. I love everything horror but, sometimes, my imagination catches up to me when I'm alone.

Sydney stopped to breathe as we wrestled on my mind. She is sitting on my butt, trying to get the phone and I'm underneath her, face down on the pillow. She removes herself from on top of me, "I'm tired. You're old enough to wake up on your own tomorrow. Just know that Jimin and I are leaving you if you wake up late."

She plopped down beside me and put her body under the blankets, about to sleep, but I wasn't going to let her because I need to tell her. She'll eventually find out. I want it to come from me first. And also because I need advice so bad.

"Syd?" I spoke in voice louder than a whisper but more quiet than my normal voice. She was silent. "Sydney Grace!"

"Dear God, let me sleep!" She grumbles but still turned to face me, "What is it, Vee?"

"What if I told you that I like someone..?" I told her, staring into her eyes in the dim room.

"Are you serious? That can wait in the morning." She said and turns her back but I whipped her back down to face me again. "Okay, okay, we'll talk. You like someone? Who?"

"Someone you wouldn't expect?" I answered and her eyes widened. She knows? Am I that easy to read?

"Mark? You got back together?" Eyes wide, she replied. Girl wants the tea. I can tell.

"No." I said defensively. "I would not get back together with him."

"Cut him some slack, Vee. It's also hard on him." Sydney frowned. Mark is also his best friend and she doesn't like seeing them not talking to each other. "I'm not picking sides here but he didn't purposely hurt you. He did try everything to be with you again. He apologized and showed you that he really cares for you.."

"I know that." I said, staring at the ceiling of my bedroom. "But I think we're just not meant for each other.. Because if we were, I wouldn't be feeling like this. If I truly loved Mark, I shouldn't be having feelings for someone else."

"But I do." I added, almost in a whisper then I pushed myself up to sit on the bed. "I like Jungkook, Syd, and I'm going crazy thinking about him."


"Hey." Jungkook sat straight up on his desk when he saw me occupy my seat in front of him.

"Uh, hi." I sent a small smile towards his direction, quickly breaking eye contact because I feel like I'm going to explode from inside out if I stare longer into his eyes.

That sounded romantic but, trust me, it doesn't feel like that at all.

Class started and all through out, I just feel his gaze on me and I want led so bad to talk to him but I don't know how I would start. I cannot even imagine how awkward it will at practice later. Now I'm beginning to regret all of this. Why did I have to say I like him too? Why did he even confess?

The teacher left is after class and expected us to quietly wait in the classroom for another hour and a half because our History teacher is not around. Of course, that didn't happen. Leave it to a class of teenagers to turn the whole classroom into chaos. I was thinking of a way to talk to him but he's all the way across the room with a bunch of our guy classmates. I couldn't just come over there and drag him.

Or maybe I could?

Damn it. I hate you, Jeon Jungkook. Who confesses, disappears into thin air and then act like nothing fucking happened? I sincerely want to choke him right now. I stood up and decided to go to the toilet first before attenpting to talk to him. He noticed me moving towards the door and caught my gaze. We stared at each other for ten seconds before I looked away and exited the room.

Vandals littered the toilet's door and some of them are scribbles of Jungkook's name. Of course. I rolled my eyes and went out to wash my hands on the sink before going out.

"Jesus fuc—" I put a hand over my mouth, luckily catching my tongue before I could swear. Jungkook stood up from where he was sitting like a goblin outside of the girl's toilet. "Why are you there?"

"Waiting for you." He spoke, poker faced.

"Like a creep?" I replied and still did not get any reaction. "Why are you waiting for me? Are you going to confess again and then ignore me?"

"I didn't ignore you.. Not on purpose." Jungkook looked away, shyly. "Are you doing anything after practice?"

"No. Why?" I said while we walked back together to the classroom.

"I was wondering if you want to go somewhere with me?" He mumbled, grabbing at the back of his neck. "We can go anywhere you want."

I smiled at how cute he was behaving. I'm liking this side of him so much. "Okay."

We were walking up the staircase when he offered his hands, palms facing up. He wants me to hold hands with him? I put my hand over his, his fingers filled in the spaces between mine and I can feel my heart rate increase the more steps we took.

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