7- Traveling To Diamond City

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I stepped out of my room and rested my back again the wall rubbing my hands on my face.

Has my life ever been so complicated? I dont think so.

In a couple of days we were going to destroy the Institute. I loved Shaun but they've corrupted his mind, he thinks wiping the common out and replacing humans with synths is a good idea.

Really Shaun? Really? Only if I would have been able to raise you with much more sense.

I walked to Shaun's room, stepping up the steps. I knocked softly on the wall, not loud, but loud enough for him to notice I was there.

"Ah, mother." Shaun said looking up. "What is it?"

I went and sat down next to him on a couch. I looked around the room. Was this a freaking death bed? Did he know what my plan was? Was he dying? What?

"Shaun," I said, my voice shaking, "What's this?" I asked pointing to the bed.

"Mother, we should talk." He said sighing.

"Oh god."

"Mother, I am dying. I have an incurable disease."

"Wait wha-?"

"We've tried everything to cure it, but nothing works. I am going to die, very soon."

Sooner than you think, son.


"Yes, mother?"

"Shaun, I hope you know I love you. I always did, I always will. No matter what." I told him looking him in his eyes.

His dark brown eye, I studied his facial features. He looked just like his father, dark brown eyes, perfect nose, straight teeth. I will miss him, again.

"I know mother. And I love you so." He replied back looking me in my eyes also.

"I'm going above for a while, Shaun. I wont be back until a couple days."

Shaun nodded and I walked out.

Elder Maxson had ordered me to try and get Doctor Li back to the bos. She used to be a scientist for them but she left. Maxson said that she was a big part of the BOS, being one of the smartest scientists. I'm going to try and convince her to come back.

I walked to her division and stopped in front of her.

"Are you here to waste my time?" She asked me.


"No, Doctor Li. I have a proposal." I told her.


"You were with the Brotherhood of Steel, yes?"

"If you think im going back to them, forget it."  She said started to walk off.

I stepped in her way once again.

"Doctor, just listen. Do you really want to live here? Underground? Isolated?"

"I would rather be down here than up there with those.. those.."

"Us what? What are we? Animals? Monsters? Innocent beings who just happen to live at the wrong time. We are not humans in you guy's eyes. You're just going to murder us all and then replace us with synths? Where's the humanity?" I protested.

I could tell I was getting to her but damn was she stubborn.

"It is the right thing to do." She sounded as if she was trying more to convince herself than me.

"You know its not, doctor. Please, come back. Help us once again." I pleaded.

Her face softened a little.

"Fine. But I will be heading there on my own."

A relieved grin grew on my face.

"Good." I said walking off.

That was my last task inside the institute, I'm ready to leave now.

× Nate's POV ×

I was in her room thinking, could I have really moved on? Or was this just to close the gap I had.

Doesn't really matter now, I was leaving. I know I'm not coming back.

She looks the same as she did once the bombs fell. Smooth skin, pretty big brown eyes, short scruffy hair, though her hair was now blue, it used to be brown, even her body is the same. Though I have to say, she's lost weight.

Ava walked in interrupting my thoughts.

"Hey, let's go." She told us.

I looked at the clock, it was 9:53PM.


I didn't really have to pack a lot. I just grabbed my bookbag, stuffed some pre-war soap, toothpaste, underwear and snacks.

Ava already had her things packed, she just grabbed her bag and told us to follow her.

× Ava POV ×

I brought them to the room where I first arrived in when I came here. I brought him here so that we all could leave. We teleported out and arrived on top of the old c.i.t ruins, on top of the Institute.

"Wow. I haven't seen Boston first hand since the bombs dropped." Nate said in awe.

"Yeah, no matter what, the Commonwealth always seems to prove to me that anything can still be beautiful. No matter what." I said.

"So where are we off to?"

"I think the safest place for you two is to head to Diamond City. We're going together." I handed Nate a rifle and started walking cautiously around. He handed his girlfriend a pistol.

We all headed to Diamond City.

"So. Something I wanted to tell you was that she might be my girlfriend, but I don't think I would ever be able to love someone like I love you." Nate said still walking with his-- my rifle.

"Nate, I know that. I'm the only person, alive that knows you more than you know you. But let's admit hun, we've both moved on. Whether you like it, or agree with it, you know it."

I shot a mole rat who was running at me fiercely. 

I. Hate. Mole. Rats.

"I missed you, you know."

"I missed you too."

"Hey. Let's stop here for the night?" Nate asked.

We stopped at 'Hangman's Alley.' Well protected, but a whole empty spot where people could just walk in.

It wasn't nasty or dirty, it was a regular settlement with regular people.


I held my weapon up walking in. Just a bunch of settlers.

"I'm with the minutemen, any problems?" I asked someone.

"Yeah, we could really use some food and water." he said desperately.

I nodded, put away my weapon and installed 2 water pumps and planted a couple of mutfruits and tato's.

When I finished it must have been maybe 2AM. I walked around to see if anything else needed to be done.

Of course it did.

It was 7 settlers here, but only 3 sleeping bags.

I scrapped the sleeping bags for cloth and built 8 beds.

The settlers all thanked me.

Once I finished I laid on a couch. It felt really, really good to lay down.

A/N - i haven't even been updating this as much because im working on another book. sooooory.

Atomicherrybomb 💥🍒💣  

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