Chapter Seven

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I closed the door as I pushed them into the room then slowly walked back downstairs then hovered by the stairs. Rebecca was sitting in Crow's lap on the couch curled up, I slowly made my way to the door and slid out the door to the shoe cabinets to grab everyone's masks. When I opened the door back up Crow was standing in front of the door with a stern look on her face. He knew what I was thinking, if she knew I was a ghoul then she couldn't be trusted, I couldn't let her live. I held everyone's mask in my hand behind my back as I tried to squeeze past Crow but he stopped me.

"I won't let you touch her, you can't hurt her, please," Crow said with a defeated voice as I pulled away from him.

I rushed up to my room and found Devil sitting on my bed while Shadow was laying on the floor moaning. Devil watched me as I threw Shadow her mask then hurried back out the door to Crow's room. When I opened the door the room was empty so I snuck over to the closet and hid Crow's mask in his drawer under his socks. I started to close the drawer when the door opened and Rebecca stepped into the room. She stared at me then slowly closed the door behind her, I watched her closely as I stood up and the light turned on. The door was locked and the only other way out was through the one window behind me.

"You're Cheshire, the ghoul who worked with the CCG until you killed one of them. I mean that's what the media says about you, Is it true you kill without mercy?"

"Am I the only ghoul you know about?"

"No, I knew Juso was a ghoul called Crow but he said he had thrown away his past, I guess he lied."

"He lied to me too, he told me you didn't know and yet here you are. Many times I worried you would hate Crow if you knew about him so I helped keep it a secret but I was wrong."

"I love Juso not because of who he is but because he loves me. He didn't care that he was a ghoul or that his parents would throw him out if he loved me-"

I cut her off by lunging at her with my kagune pointed toward her the top two pointed down at her and the bottom two pointed up at her. They stopped just short of touching and instead of being frightened she stared in awe.

"How pretty, I've never seen a white eyed ghoul up close. You're just as pretty as the stories they used to tell."

I stepped back startled and my kagune dropped to the floor around me, suddenly I could hear Crow on the other side. He was super upset and Shadow's calm voice was trying to calm him down while I tried to figure out what to do.

"They used to tell us ghouls were bad but once the ghoul act became a thing the stories changed. One story I loved the most was the story of the little ghoul girl, she was different from most ghouls. She had brilliant white eyes but her kagunes were black like her heart, her parents were taken from her and she had nowhere to go. No one wanted to help her because she was a ghoul, it was the kindness of a single man that changed her. She went from the cold hearted human hating little girl to a brilliant, smart and human loving woman. She ended up living a great life until the man who cared for her died and she became hunted by those who hated her. She was all alone again and the only way she felt wanted and happy was surrounded by the ghouls who needed her as a leader. She ended up killing people to protect her own and though it was a sad story that ended with her death she left the world thinking that maybe ghouls care too. I understand why you might want to kill me, you don't want anyone to leak info about where your staying and well I can promise you I won't tell no matter what. I guess you could say I'm like the man who took in the little girl, I promise to take care of you guys and keep your secret!"

Tears streamed down my face as I leaned against the foot of the bed, Rebecca nodded then turned to leave. I stopped her and grabbed the door myself, without speaking we knew that unless I said something the others might hurt her. Shadow wasn't the one I was worried about, it was the newbie who would be staying with us. I slowly opened the door, my kagune was gone and my eyes were back to normal but Crow looked pissed. He pushed through the door and pulled Rebecca into his arms as I tried to keep everyone else out. Devil spoke out just like I thought he would and pushed past to get to Rebecca.

"That's bullshit, she could tell someone were staying her and then we would be hunted like wild dogs," He said the lunged at her.

I swooped in and threw him against the wall, "Devil if you wish to help then you will follow my commands without question. You are not of high enough rank to tell me what to do...Little boy!"

His mask had appeared with his kagune and my kagune followed, he rushed me but I beat him to it. My Kagune landed a clean stab to the shoulder then I kicked him back up against the wall, I slammed him against the wall again. He cried out in pain and Rebecca cried for me to stop, she was like the man taking care of me. Even though he wanted to kill her she didn't want me to become a real murder. I stepped away from him and watched as he grabbed his shoulder in pain then I turned to look at Rebecca who was attached to Crow. Shadow stood by the doorway as I calmed down and let my Kagune slide back into my own back. My eyes went back to the greenish color they were, I heard Rebecca scream out and just as I turned around Shadow stood behind me with Devil's Kagune pierced through her stomach. Shadow dropped to the floor and I went to grab her while Devil stared in horror. Crow ran to his closet to grab his medical kit and Rebecca dropped down next to me.

Blood poured from her wound as I tried to get it to stop, Rebecca grabbed my hand then held her arm over Shadow's mouth. Crow turned around to see Shadow grab her arm in hunger, for the first time since I first met her I saw fear in Shadow's eyes. Rebecca let out a scream and I held my hand over her mouth as Shadow took a chunk out of her arm. Crow dropped to the floor as Rebecca passed out against me and Shadow swallowed. I laid Rebecca down as I stood up with hell burning inside me, Shadow had been with me through hell and back. Devil looked at me with fear as my eyes changed and my kagune came back out.

"When you're knocked down by a superior do not get back up! Their followers always step in to protect them and now you have hurt your own friend and my best friend."

My kagune struck the wall next to his head multiple times before striking him in the stomach, "I'll do him to what you did to her! Feel her pain....ASSHOLE! This is the power of a white-eyed ghoul so don't you dare try to cross my path again, DO YOU HEAR?"

Devil quickly nodded as he sat against the wall, I turned to face Shadow who was breathing heavily. Rebecca looked worried but faint, Crow had already bandaged Rebecca's arm and was looking Shadow's wound over. I went to the fridge by his bed and pulled a package of meat out then handed it to Shadow who tore into it.

"Sorry Crow, that was your last one."

"It's cool, I'm more worried about you guys living that how much food I have in this place."

I looked at devil who sat on the floor groaning in pain while holding his stomach, "You're a lot more trouble than your worth. Shadow had told me that you didn't like the system and I thought you would be a good addition to the group but it looks to me that you're trouble. No wonder they call you devil....little boy."

He looked up at me in defeat and I smiled mischievously as I walked over to him, he shrank back as I knelt down next to him. I grabbed his side and plunged my thumb into the wound I created in his stomach.

"Next time you should think twice before standing up to somebody, there is a reason those who follow me follow without question. They know what I can do and what I have done, do your research before you decided to attack somebody."

He held his breath to keep himself from screaming as I slowly pulled my thumb out of his side then left the room licking my thumb, "You taste as bad as your temper."

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