Chapter Eight

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Since I was a different race from normal ghouls I could feed on them like they feed on humans but for them to eat off us would probably cause death. I mean I remember a servant who betrayed my mother and bit her, the servant took a chunk and immediately fell ill. Though I know she was ill I thought mother sent her away but I think she may have had her killed. I don't think it would kill a ghoul right away but slowly shrivel your insides. Red eye and white ghouls also can't have children so the parents tend to arrange marriages between other families of white eyed ghouls. 

My mother wanted me to marry into the family who hosted the ghoul party, I didn't like their son but the parents were nice people and his sister was a riot. I do know he had an older brother but I'm pretty sure he died during a CCG accident with some doves. He was protecting his girlfriend like any good ghoul would but doves don't see it that way, selfish assholes! I stood in the hallway staring at the blood on my thumb, blood that belonged to Devil. With disgust, I went to the bathroom and washed my hand off then went to my room slamming the door behind me. 

I sat on my bed in anger, betrayal, fear, and worry for my best friend who was probably still lying on the floor in pain. I know she would live through this incident I still worried for her because I knew it would hurt the relationship between everyone. Crow's bedroom door opened and I heard voices along with scuffling feet then something crashing to the floor. I flew the door open then looked at the Crow and Rebecca dragging Devil through the hall to the livingroom. A vase sat in pieces on the floor with water and flowers around it. Without speaking I picked up Devil and carried him bridal style to the livingroom then dropped him on the couch.

Devil looked at me in fear as I went to the kitchen and grabbed the first aid kit Crow kept under the sink. When I came back into the livingroom Crow was leaning against the back of the couch and Rebecca stood off to the side. I rolled my eyes and went around to the front of the couch then sat down on the ground with the first aid kit in my lap. Devil watched me carefully as I pulled out bandages and an alcohol wipe then set it on the edge of the couch. 

"You know I don't hate you for attacking me....I hate you because you made me feel fear for the first time since I became the heir to my families prospects. I used to have a great older sister and she didn't care what people said of her. She was an amazing person was supposed to inherit my parent's fortune and everything they worked on. I was jealous of her but I also respected her because father would give her something to do with the company he owned and she did it with grace. It was the CCG that took her from me, during one of her jobs she left the house without her mask because it was late and she needed to only pick up some ingredients from the store. She didn't think that it would be a big deal and when she left I sat on the step waiting for her only to sit there all night. I ended up falling asleep on the steps up to my room and when I woke the door burst open with my sister running for her life. It was a horrible night where I had to watch a dove take my sister for something so trivial as not wearing her mask. After that, I built a wall so thick around my heart that nothing penetrated it until now when I turned to see Shadow dropping to the floor I was truly scared."

Devil stared in awe as I gently cleaned the wound and applied gauze with antibacterial ointment on it, "My mother used to say I was too much of a scaredy cat and then it changed to being a cold hearted Cheshire. I became a heir to the most powerful family in one night and I lost the sister who I was absolutely loved with all my heart. Shadow had become my friend because her family worked with my family in the medical department for ghouls and I pulled her close. I gave her the keys to the lock on my heart, she was one of the only people who could tell me no. There was only one other person who could tell me that and he is a gourmet. When I saw the fear in her eyes but the loyalty in her heart I thought the worst. S-So I hope you learned your lesson," I said the last part while looking to the ground. 

I felt two hands on my shoulders and when I looked up I found Rebecca sitting to my left with tears in her eyes and Crow to my right with a tight smile on his face. Devil slowly sat up and looked at me with a fire in his eyes. He stood up without warning causing all of us to jump back, I was expecting him to get all pissed but he dropped to the floor and bowed with his head touching the ground. 


I stared then slowly looked to Crow who looked just as scared as I did but I quickly pulled my emotions back into my barrier and stood over him. I looked down at him with grace then leaned down and grabbed his hand then pulled him off the ground.

"Boy...if you promise to do as I command and not attack my family every again!"

"I do," Devil said as he tried to look stern.

I chuckled then smiled and nodded before walking away, I took the first aid kit back into the kitchen and placed it back in its spot under the sink. 

From the kitchen, I heard Devil ask, "What does she mean by her family?"

" you can see she holds her friends close and her enemies closer but they don't hold the key to her kingdom. She is the father of the group and you stabbed mother, the rest of the group are her children," Crow said thoughtfully, "When she adopts another kid into her family she tends to be very strict with them until they have proved that they are going to be good for this family. Right now you are in that spot so I hope you are prepared to get an earful until she truly accepts you."

"You would think that this would happen every time she invited someone new," Devil asked confused.

I stood leaning against the doorway to the kitchen when I replied, "Most ghouls don't challenge a white eyed because we strike fear into most people."

Devil slowly nodded as I went up the stairs to Crow's room and when I opened the door I found a sleeping Shadow in his bed. She looked peaceful so I sat on the floor and laid my head on the edge of the bed. The quilt was pulled up to her chest with her hands tucked underneath to keep warm.

"You breathe really loud," Shadow said hoarsely. 

"Sorry, is mama okay?"

"I'm fine, Is daddy's heart okay? I know how hard you try to keep it locked up."

"I'm fine, thank you," I said with a blank face.

She chuckled as she placed her warm hand against my cheek and I leaned into it, "Why don't you go ahead and get some sleep?"

"I'm too stressed to sleep, you're partially to blame for that," I said looking at her in the dark room.

"I couldn't help it, I remember when I first became your friend. You said that white eye ghouls tend to collect an army of red eyed ghouls as their servants. It's why your family was able to eat so well, your servants dedicated their life to you and your family so giving their life was easy for them. I remember when a ghoul stood in front of your mother to stop a bullet from killing her, your servants loved you so if you ate them then it wasn't the eyepatch. Eyepatch was being eaten from the inside out but for the servants, it was like being one with their master."

"I know this," I said with no emotion.

"How many?"

"One, she was my servant as a child but was killed during a robbery and I was stabbed. I didn't want to at first but then I remember that she would live in me until my end if I I ate her to heal myself and regain the servant that was just taken from me. After that, I killed the robber and the CCG came and retrieve the body from my house. That's when they asked if I was taking defense class and my mother revealed that I was a little weapon of mass destruction. Now I'm their enemy and I plan on wrecking havoc."

Shadow smiled with her eyes closed and the opened enough for light to peek through the crack and a face appeared in the light. Crow stood poking his head into the room then sighed as he saw that we weren't moving. Crow left and silence took over as I laid my head down on the bed to sleep. Shadow growled then pulled me into the bed and pulled the blanket up to my chest, it was a movement that went just as fast as it came. She woke and then went back to sleep, like a machine that was turned on then turned off. I chuckled at the thought of Shadow being a machine then went to sleep myself.

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