My First Day

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She stepped inside the administration office in order to get her schedule and other important information. She was welcomed with a smile which made the environment warm and sweet. It really helped to release a bit of tension and she just hoped that all the others would be as welcoming as the staff.

She could hear the thundering of the clouds outside. "Aah ! The unpredictable rains of Mumbai are the best", she thought. The best part according to her about living in a coastal area was the rain. She loved how those little droplets from heaven brought freshness. Everything looked so beautiful and refreshed hidden under the blanket of small droplets. 

She smiled to herself thinking," See ! Even the God is there to tell everything will be as lovely as the rain you love. Lighten up."

While she was lost in her thoughts, the lady sitting at the counter gave her the schedule and she looked at it to realize that her first class was maths. 

She rushed to the locker in order to reach to the class at time. She could see the students smiling and walking carefree all along the corridor. Giggling, talking, excitement was shining on their faces. 

She also tried to be relaxed and not get paranoid. The bell rang and she started walking in order to find the maths lab. She looked everywhere and was just starting to get all worried up again when a student passed by her, whom according to her was getting late. She asked him," Um excuse me. Could you tell me where can I find the maths lab ?" 

The student told her the directions and she started walking, actually running because she was already getting late towards the lab after thanking him. 

As soon as she was on the door, she peeked inside and saw that the teacher still hadn't reached. 


She started walking into the room and took out her phone which had chimed up. She checked it out only to find a message from her Bestie. Damn it ! She had forgot to pick up Diksha on the way. She started panicking and was scared that Diksha was gonna eat her up alive.

With shaking hands, she opened the message which said, 

I knew you would forget me in the excitement. Now I'm gonna be late *a side glance emoji*. I'll try to make it ASAP but still all the best to you !

Yay ! Diksha wasn't angry. That was such a relief. She was going to type a message back to Diksha when suddenly she bumped into someone. All her books and phone included fell down on the floor and she looked up to see who it was. It was a boy who hadn't even waited for a minute and had rushed out of the room. She couldn't register his face as he had been fast enough to walk out of the room immediately.

She was going to call out to him when the teacher entered and so she quickly picked up her books and rushed to an empty seat.

As the class started, she just shook her head and she said sarcastically to herself,"Wonderful beginning, isn't it ? So much caring people around." As the lecture went through, she just wanted to know who was that guy and waited for the day when she'll meet him.

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