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The class ended soon after all of Manik's stupid talks. It was only the first day but Naira had got to know how talkative he was. He wouldn't shut up for a minute and kept bugging her.

As soon as the bell rang, Naira rushed outside and Manik followed her like a little puppy.She eyed him and he smiled. Annoyed of that charming smile, she said, "So now you are going to follow me? Wasn't class enough to irritate me ?"

Manik smiled and said,"Just for the record, no it wasn't enough and I'm not following you. My class is in the same direction."

Embarrassed at that, she didn't know what to say. As if he had understood her, he spoke instead," By the way, friends now ? Or am I still too irritating ?"

"You are irritating but I have tolerated loads more than this. So yeah, friends", said Naira.

He brought his hand forward for a handshake and she was going to accept it but at that very moment somebody called him from behind. Giving a smile, he turned and went towards them.

Naira also moved away and went to her locker to keep the books. Standing there, she couldn't help but notice Manik hanging out with some of the boys who looked like his best friends. Suddenly someone covered her eyes from behind. The cold touch and that habit. It could be only one person. Diksha. Naira removed her hands and hugged Diksha so tight. Diksha returned the embrace and after a moment releasing from that hug, whispered into Naira's ear," So Nik huh?" That question made her blush.

She laughed and said," No ! For God's sake. It's good for me to stay away from that self obsessed maniac. " And after that they laughed and continued to the next class together.

As the day ended, Naira was very happy. College was amazing for her. The first day was perfect . With Diksha there it had been like a dream come true but to be honest with herself, she felt that a part of her reason for happiness was Manik too. She didn't know why she was thinking about him so much even if he was just a stranger. But there was nothing that could take her mind off from his jokes and talks. Afterall, he had been the second person after Diksha who had made something inside her feel alive.

That night, she couldn't sleep. She just waited for tomorrow, to go the college and have an interesting day. The thought of meeting Manik again made her smile even though she had no idea why and what did he mean to her.

But the fear, it didn't go away. She knew that whenever she let herself be happy, her world would come crashing down. The past was a proof to this. Not a single time but many times it had happened and the time that it had...No she couldn't. She couldn't remember it all. The memories were too painful. She couldn't allow that pain to come back. Without thinking more about it, she played some slow songs on her phone which finally helped her to doze off to sleep.

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