Chaper 11: Death or Ressurection?

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Beatrice's POV

While everybody went to search for Willy, Harry and I stayed back, just in case. "It's going to be okay Harry." I tell him as I sit next to him rubbing his back. "I just know it!" "Yeah but it's all my fault!" he replies after a while. "No it isn't! Nobody blames you but you!" I tell him. Just then my phone rang.


"We found him!" " Technically I found him!" "Whatever... Trice he's coming and we told everybody to meet us there! See you in a few!


"Harry Elle, or Niall actually, found Willy!They're on the way!" I tell him hugging him. Then I go into Sarah's room and hold her hand. "Sare bear! It's almost time to wake up! Willy's coming to save you... again! You can do it! We all miss and love you sooo much and can't wait untill you come back to us!" I tell her smiling. I can feel in my heart that she heard me and would have hugged me tight and gave me a kiss on the cheek. After all, Sarah was the touchy-feely type person and I loved her for it because then I had a sister whom I could go to and who would always make me feel better and even neglect her sorrows for me.

William's POV

When I heard Sarah was dying I felt so sad. My sister Chloe and I moved hear to get to know our family better because she realized they were really important. As we moved along the road I saw many families walking down the road laughing and playing. It made me wonder what I could have been if I had stayed. "We're here!" Niall said. I opened the car door and ran into the building with them. " Nurse Jessica! We have a person with the blood type!" Elle says to a woman standing by the door of Sarah's room. "Can I see her?" I ask the nurse. "Sure!" she replies. As I go in I see a man holding her hand and his head is down while a girl sits on the other side and is holding her other hand crying. Hey! That girl's my sister Tricey! "Hey Tricey!" I  say to the girl trying to hold back a smile as she looks up in shock. "Willy nilly!" she screams while coming to hug me. I get pushed back a bit because she kind of jumped on me, except she was too tall so her feet were on the floor. I still hugged back. Then the guy that was with Sarah stood to shake my hands after Tricey let go of me. "Willy nilly, this is Harry! Harry this is William!" she said jumpily. "Hey." I said. He just nodded. "Alright you ready sweet cheeks?" the nurse asked me. "Yup!" I said following her into a room. As she is taking out the blood I don't dare look at it. I have seen blood way to many times to let it get to me now.When she was done the doctor and hr went into Sarah's room and started operating. I n about 3-4 hours they were done. "The operation was successful, but she isn't waking up."she tells us as we walk into the room. "But give her some time. You never know!" she says walking away. "Well until then I have something of hers I took as a remembrance of her when I left." I said taking out a charm bracelet with symbols of all the princesses. "Remember what we used to call her Willy?" Tricey says smiling. "Yup! Our Bhanphrionsa!" I say smiling at the charm. "She used to write that all over her notebook! Now I know why!" Elle says laughing.  "Umm sorry but what exactly does that mean?" Louis asks. "It means princess in Gaelic." Tricey answers. "Ohhh! That makes sense!" Louis responds.

Harry's POV

As they are talking about Sarah, I just sit next to her and hold her hand. Please wake up Sarah. When they talk about the princess thingy I could swear I saw her flinch! "Sarah! Please wake up!" I say squeezing her hand. "Mate, at that rate, she will never wake up!" Louis says making my hand let go of hers. Then the monitor starts beeping, but its a normal beeping. "Come on Sare Bear! You can do it!" We all cheer. "Then her eyes flutter open. "She has risen from the dead!" Louis says giving a shock. We all laugh and give her a hug, well everybody but me that is. I just stand in the back and watch as she gets up and hugs everyone. "Hi my little Bhanphrionsa!" William says giving her a hug and putting on the charm bracelet on her. "Willy! Where's Chloe? How is she?" she said. "Everything's fine! Just relax girl! You're just how I remember you pretty and carefree on the outside, smart, inquisitive, and beautiful on the inside!" he tells her. "Aww! I love you sooo much!" she tells him squeezing him. "Oh and you hug, kiss, and say I Love You WAY too much!" he says and breaks into laughter. As does everyone else. "Hey, where's Harry?" she asks. Okay, now it's my turn. "Hey!" I smiling and walking over to give her a hug. "Thanks so much for everything." she whispers in my ear before starting to cry. "Must you cry for everything?" Elle asks. "Yes!" she says. I laugh. "She's back!" Niall says while doing jazz hands. "Thanks for trying to give your life for me!" she tells him and gives him a mama bear hug. "It was my pleasure!" he responds.

Okay! She is back peoples!!!! So what will happen next??? You shall see!!!

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