Chapter 1: Hi.... Your Harry Styles!!!!!!

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Sarah's POV

"El, food's here!!!!" yell to my best friend/ roomate.As soon as I say that she comes running out of our room to open the door. " Nandos!!!!!!" she yells while jumping.I laugh and help bring in the food. "Which one is mine?" I say eager to dig in. " Ummm this whole bag." Elle says while taking the other bag for herself. "Okay, can I please play Harry Potter now? You know how much I love that movie!" I said putting up the best puppy dog face I can. " Fine." Elle says with a look. The movie was half way through when out of no reason Elle slapped me. "What the hell!" I screamed because I was in agonizing pain. She started laughing and then there was a silent moment where we both looked at each other. After the brief staring contest she ran and I ran after her. I was chasing her around the table when the doorbell rang. We stopped. Since I was closer I went to get the door and Elle fell on the floor laughing/screaming. As I opened the door I saw a figure. I couldn't quite tell who it was because as I said Hi my face was down laughing at my idiot friend. " Hi..... Holy Holy your Harry Styles!!!!" I exclaimed. He laughed. "Ready for our date?" he said with a smirk. I looked at him in shock. Then I looked at Elle. It must have been her. It always is. " I'm sorry. What??" I managed to get out. " Our date. You won the contest." he said probably thinking I'm stupid. " Elle!!" I said giving her an evil stare. " I think you should get ready Sarah." she said trying to hold in a laugh. I scoffed, let him in, and went to change.

Elle's POV

( This POV is going to be a little short because its exactly what happened up there)

As soon as Sarah said food was here I was so happy! " Nandos!!!" I yell and jump to control my hunger. I give her her bag and take mine. I was just about to dig in when she asks me to put on Harry Potter with the worst puppy dog face ever pulled in mankind. I say yes but give her the look because she stopped me from eating. Yes if that's your description of a fatty than so be it. Half way through the movie I looked at my watch and realized it was almost time for my prank. I had to get her close to the door so I make a bold decision and slap her really hard.She starts yelling at me but I just burst out laughing because of her face. Then, after our intense staring contest, she chases after me. I try and keep her close to the door and when the doorbell rings I can't help but let out a sigh. To destract her first I drop to the ground in laughter which makes her laugh. I smile. My work is done. When she notices its Harry Styles I burst out in even more laughter. Her face was worth a million dollars. I tell her to go change so I could explain this to Harry. After all, Sarah is my best friend. I don't want him thinking she's stupid.

Harry's POV

As my " date" went into the room to change I sat on the couch relieved. I thought this day couldn't be any worse but seeing her face just brightened up my day. " Hi. I'm Elle.Sorry about this. Sarah isn't usually like this. I just wanted to prank her." says Elle. I smile. " It's okay. I get it." I say feeling bad that she thinks she needs to apolgize. There is a silent moment but she breaks it by saying " Did you bring your friends along?" " Ummm yeah they're downstairs." I say. Without wasting another moment she ran to the patio and screamed to the top of her lungs, " Niall, Liam, Louis, Zayn! Get your butts up here!" I laughed. She really had guts. A few seconds later they all had heads pointed toward us. "You heard her!"I said smiling proudly. They briefly looked at each other and then ran into the building." Hey Harry. Have you ever played a prank before?" she asked innocently. I laughed. "How old do you think I am?" I replied. She smirked and then told me to stall them until she says so. As soon as I say okay, the doorbell rings.

Sorry I had to end it there. I had to go to sleep. I will definetely write more laters!!!!!!! 

Oh and can you guys check out Love and Hate by iluvonedirection..... She's my BFF and I co-wrote that so please read it!!!!!!

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