Chapter 14: A Couple of Couples!

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Hey Guys! So how many of you got your Pottermore account! I made 2! *very proud* If you wanna friend me look at my bio! I hope you enjoy this chapter!<3 you guys!!

Okay with out further ado....the chapter!

Because I haven't updated in a while, I'll just put a recap....kk!


I was going to walk to them when my phone rang....

Beginning of convo starting with Elle......


" Hey Mahottie part 2!" (Mahottie is Austin Mahone look-a-likes... Austin Mahotties! Even though Elle's a girl I just had to put that in there!)

" What!?! How did you...?!"

" Oh you have nooo idea what I'm capable of!"

"Leave us alone... All of us!"

" No thank you! I prefer to have both of you now! I find feisty girls irresistible!"

"Get lost you little ass!"

" *chuckles* Oh you are going to soon find out that everything I want, I get!"

" What does that mean?"

" It means that my craving always gets fulfilled and I just happen to have a craving for you two!"

"Why can't you just leave us alone you molesting pedophile?"

"Well, I can't answer all of your questions but you should know.... If those stupid, arrogant boys try and come between any of us... Well you guys will get 10 servings in one each...and! If you know what I mean!"

" Those BRAVE, AWESOME boys are good people and if you hurt them or us..."

" Then what is a small girl wearing red-striped shirt, dark blue jeans, and read toms with her hair flowing down going to do to me?"

" How do you know..."

" Take a wild guess sweetheart!"

" What the hell!"

" Aww don't get all red. I'll give you a hint. To hurt any of you I would need help... right?"

" You..... you just stay away from us... okay!!!! Just leave us alone!!!!"

" I'm afraid I can't do that!"

" Don't you dare hang up on me like that you disgusting coward!!!!!"

End of convo!

Ughhh! I can't believe what just happened! I couldn't help but to run away crying! He's going to hurt us! Abuse us! I don't want that for us!

*End of Recap*

Elle's POV

I was sitting in the parking lot crying to myself when I heard the boys and Tricey calling Harry's name. Oh yeah! I completely forgot! I get up to my feet when somebody pulled me back down. "Harry?" I say screaming almost too loud. "Shhhh! They can't know where we are!"he says putting his hand on my mouth as I sat back down. "Hey, why were you crying?" he asks me with curiosity written all over his face. I don't reply but just look down. "I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours!" he says after he realizes I am not going to reply to him. "I already know yours so it's not fair for me." I respond. "Well, you know part of it. Not exactly the full thing." he says with a poker face. I was just about to accept when his phone rings. We both look in shock as he looks for his phone in his pockets. "Shut up! Shut up!" he yelled at his phone while looking to see who it was. When he looked his face turned very serious. "It's your boyfriend." he said narrowing his eyes. I took the phone from him and picked up.

*Beggining of phone convo starting with Elle*


"Elle? Where are you guys?"

"By the yellow car that says I love...1D."

"Hahaha! Well that shouldn't be too hard to find. See you guys there!"

"Kk byee!"


*End of phone convo*

Niall's POV

After the talk with Elle, I told the boys and Beatrice I knew where they were. "Okay we are looking for a yellow-" "Found it!" Beatrice says interrupting me. I look at where she is pointing and I start running over there. "Elle! Harry!" I say finally seeing them. "Niall!" Elle responds jumping up and giving me a hug. After that I sat next to Harry and motioned everybody to go. When we were alone I started talking to him. "Look mate, I know why you're mad but what you saw wasn't what was really happening." I say. He doesn't reply so I continue. "The truth is, and you can't tell anyone, that I was preparing and practicing how to propose to Elle!" I say. Now he looks at me with shock. " You know I'm not amazing with that kind of stuff and if I went to you guys somebody might spill it so I wanted to do it myself when Sarah woke up and let me practice with her and gave me guidelines! I swear!" I say with a sorrowful face. "I believe you!" he says after a while. I smile before getting up with him and walking towards the building.

Harry's POV

As we are walking through the corridors I start to wonder. Will Sarah forgive me? What will happen to us? I just bring myself to at least try and apologize to her. "Hey Sarah." I say meekly as I walk into the room. She doesn't reply but just turns away so I couldn't see her face. "Look, I'm really sorry! I just couldn't deal with the fact that somebody else would have you over me!" I say crying a bit as I walk over to her so that I'm right next to her. She doesn't respond but just hugs me tightly. I smile and hug back. "Well, what exactly are you waiting for? Kiss her!" Louis says standing by the door. She just breaks into laughter. I look at her amused as everybody comes in. "Is there something funny about kissing me that I missed?' I ask her. "No! No! It's just that-well- you see-" she begins looking at Elle as iif she wanted her to finish her sentence. "Oh! I get it!" Elle says looking at Beatrice. She just looks back and laughs. Then, they all three are laughing. "Is there an episode we missed or something?" Louis asks. "No. It's just that-" she begins before whispering the rest into his ears. "Oh! Wow! I find that one hard to believe."he responds. "Can I tell Liam? He's is pretty mature so you don't have to worry about that one."Louis tells her. Beatrice looks to Sarah for approval. "Yeah, sure. Might as well tell Niall and Zayn!" she said. At that,  Beatrice tells Liam, Elle tells Niall, and Louis tells Zayn. After they all know the 'secret' they all just break into 'awwwws'."Will someone please tell me what's going on?" I ask. "No!" they all shout. Just then Louis comes up to me and tells me to kiss her now! I look at him wondering what he means by that and he just mouths trust me! I shrug and kiss her softly on the lips. I was kind of shocked of her response though. I mean I know she was shocked but her face was like this was her first time or something. Wait. That's what it is! I quickly let go realizing that the nurse was standing by the door. As soon as Sarah and I both look down completely embarrassed, the boys, well mainly Niall, start to laugh followed but muffled laughter of the girls. In between the laughs the girls just told them "Not funny guys!". "Sarah, if you are ready we will do one last check-up and then let you go tomorrow!" the nurse said sweetly. "Alright!" Sarah said nodding her head. After the nurse left Niall asked Harry, "So, how'd you figure it out?" "Harry can figure things out with a kiss. That's why I told him to kiss her. He would get it!" Louis says proudly. Everybody, except for Elle, stops laughing. But she stops, after Sarah throws a pillow at her. "You know it's really not fair!" Liam says after a while. "Why?" I ask. "Well because you have Sarah, Niall had Elle, Louis has Beatrice, and Zayn has his imported mirror!" he says. "I wish a girl made just for me would walk through that door!" Liam continues. Just then William walked in with a very pretty girl. "Hi! I'm Chloe."she says waving her hand. "And I want a million dollars!" Louis says looking at the door to see if it walks in. We all burst out laughing! Good Times!

Okay! I hoped you enjoyed! Now almost everyone has a girl! Yay! Okay so tell me what you think!!!! I don't have a lot to tell you guys because I'm really tires but I hope you guys like this chapter! This is the good times and I thought that these people really deserve a good thing right now!

So remember Comment, Fan, Vote!!! Loves to All!!!!! <3

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