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(Going to start off with a dance video guys. Don't watch it yet. Some things need to be established in the story first. Hope you guys enjoy the sequel. Now lets get this Party started.)

"Frisk the show is about to start and all of the special guests are here. Are you ready?" The show manager came in my dressing room while the hair dressers were finishing up.

"Yep just gotta put my scarf on and I will be on stage." She left and closed the door behind her. I took my scarf that Paps had made for the show and tied it up around my face again. Sans had made me a pare of bone gloves for it which I slipped on as well. Alphis led me to the stage and let go of my arm.

"Here you go Frisk, the others will be in the building behind you, I will give you directions in your headset so you can access each of the areas without problems. The first two guests should be here momentarily." I nodded and thanked her as I heard the footsteps retreating. I will admit that as much as I hated needing direction to get around the stage it could have always ended up worse.

There were times I had nightmares about when I was in the underground. I never told them to Sans because I didn't want to worry him with something so trivial. But when you feel like you have died and start things over again to reach the same ending then you start to wonder. I even remember seeing someone in one of them. I'm not all to sure who they were because their figure was blurred out, but I felt like I knew them. The problem was that they tried to kill me and said that I did everything wrong.

I woke screaming and startled Sans up to the point he teleported into my room. I put on the same face I made every day for him so that he didn't worry about it. I loved that bag of bones so much that telling him something like that would make him more careful I think. So I continued like nothing was bothering me.

"Alright cameras go live in 5.. 4.. 3.. 2.." (Watch video now) As I walked down the stairs off stage when the song ended Sans came up to me still wrapped up like a mummy with Undyne still in her guard uniform which she brought up from her house just for the occasion.

"Good job kid, I'm glad Mettaton agreed to go on the show with you. Even though he is now a big time star up here, though it may be because he wanted to dance with Paps again." Sans took my hand in his skeletal one to witch I smiled.

"Yea punk, I'm glad that you agreed to let me use my old guard armor. I missed wearing it." Undyne sounded happy witch was great when Alphis and Papyrus came up to join us as well.


"Darling~ this was perfect. We really should work together more often. Maybe you could go on tour with me some time. What do you think Pappy dear?" Mettaton spoke up to Papyrus and thankfully not me.

"I don't think so Mettaton. You know you aren't aloud to be with Paps alone." As usual Sans tried to put a stop to it. Mettaton had other plans in mind though.

"I know Sans which is why I intended on taking you and Frisk with me. I'm sure Undyne and Alphis can hold the show down for a month while you guys are with me." I knew it, Mettaton just wanted me to go on tour as well. I had tried to avoid it this whole time because it seemed pointless with how I am now and I never really had the intention to travel.


"Well maybe a little, I wanted people to know that I'm not the only genius of the monsters. I mean what harm could possibly-" Mettaton got interrupted by a deep male voice that sounded vaguely familiar to me, though I couldn't place where it was from.

"Excuse me but I don't know what you monsters think your doing here. Around this useless child none the less. Fisk I think its high time you went back home." Sans stopped him before he could say anything else. Still gripping my hand he spoke up in an almost angry voice.

"Who do you think you are? Toriel and Asgore know exactly where Frisk is. She is on her show that she made. The man was silent for a moment and it felt as if he was glaring at me to witch I shrunk behind Sans trying to hide from it.

"I am her father monster and if you know what's good for you, you will unhand my daughter and never touch her again. Or would you rather be turned to dust here and now?" I felt his grip tighten on me before speaking in almost a calm voice.

"You.. you were the one who raised her? You were the one who tried to ruin her life?" I felt Papyruses hand on my shoulder as he stepped I front of us.

"EXCUSE ME SIR, BUT I THINK IT WOULD BE BEST IF YOU WERE TO LEAVE NOW. I DONT THINK YOU WISH TO MAKE MY BROTHER OR UNDYNE ANGRY, AND AS YOU CAN SEE UNDYNE IS QUITE ANGRY AS IT STANDS." Papyrus the peace keeper, that was more of a fitting name for him. Always trying to end things peacefully, sadly this isn't one of those times he could actually help. If my father was here than mom wasn't to far behind him. Even if he did leave it wouldn't just end there.

I knew this much so I had to do something and I knew what that meant. I needed to give up what I had just gotten and loved for the past few months to protect them. With what my parents were capable of I knew that my friends were at risk if I stayed with them. I dropped Sans hand and walked past Papyrus and Undyne. My father took my shoulder and pulled me to his side with such a strong grip that it pained me and pinned me to the spot.

It was now that I was going to say the worst words that I was going to regret the rest of my life. "Sans, I'm breaking up with you. I was a fool to think I could love a monster and live with them. I belong with my parents you filthy creatures should just go back to the underground if you know what's good for you." I took of the scarf and gloves tossing them to the floor.

I tried to hold back my tears and stay strong as I hung my head in defeat. I lifted my head and tried to give the most disgusted face I could make. My heart shattered when I heard Sans breathe in. I didn't want to do it but I wanted to protect them. I just wish I could have told him that. Papyrus and Undyne dropped their weapons by the sound of it, mostly from the shock of my words.

"What was I thinking anyway, living with the very people who tried to kill me and start a war with the human race." I let tears fall as I said the words that I didn't believe. My soul felt as if it was tearing apart. "I was a fool." I tried to smile through the pain I felt.

"Frisk.. what are you doing. This.. this isn't you. I know you better than anyone so why are you saying this stuff that you don't believe." Sans voice sounded hurt as he tried to understand what I was doing. My fathers grip tightening, I winced in pain for just a moment. I couldn't let them see that I was lying, that I just wanted to apologize and run back to them.

"Then you don't know me at all Sans. I've been lying to you from the very beginning. That smile on my face was just as fake as yours is, you never questioned it either. Why would a human love a monster like me? Well I have one for you. Why would a monster love a human if they weren't trying to get something out of it. Like freedom from the prison they were sentenced to." I stopped to turn my head to my father. "Lets go home.. dad."

As we turned away I heard something hit the ground and was almost certain it was Sans. I had just broken his soul, and it was breaking mine to know that I did that to him. When I was certain we were out of earshot I spoke up. "I hate you, I was finally happy here and you just had to show up and ruin that. Just so were clear if you ever hurt my friends I will make your life a living hell."

"I know all to well you little snot. Sadly we need you to come back home and merry someone else. Your mother and I will become quite wealthy people and you will live your days out as a child making machine. Giving your new husband many healthy boys. You will do this and not make any sort of fuss about it. Are we clear that if you screw this up, your little friends will pay the price."

"Yes of course we are, Father. I hope I can serve you well as your daughter. It is my job to make your lives easier and to give up everything I have to accomplish that. Now get me home so I can go to my room. I would imagine I have been grounded for a long time and I need to prepare for my husband."

Dancetale: Fathers ReturnWhere stories live. Discover now