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(Due to Frisks character being a Ballet character these next few chapters will be Ballet only. I apologize in advance because i don't really get ballet so I might not be able to get any good videos. In any case without further ad due i give you the next chapter. Hope you all like it. And yes i did listen to Beethoven the entire time.)

"Sans do yo want to help me get some practice in for our next show. From what Mettaton told me it was going to be just me and you. I was figuring you could get the music for me to practice with." Frisk called to me from the next room. She had been exited for the next show they had planned but I was still unsure.

"Sure kid, I think I have just the perfect song for you." I replied getting a remix of one of her favorites, Beethoven. Honestly I wasn't all that surprised to find this out last week. The way she moved though when listening to his music was something else though. Normally she is very similar to how i danced, but then she told me something different. When she first started dancing she did ballet. I had to see it, granted she had done a little bit of it for shows in the underground but never up here. Mettaton must have known the whole time though because they had a lot of sets planned this time for Ballet. "Here you go kid, I've found it." I plugged it into the player.

"Thanks Sans, so should i expect for you to watch me again?" She giggled, i suppose she knew that I watched her practice. That I should have expected, she always knew when someone was near her some how.

"You knew about that, huh? But no I was thinking i might get some practice in myself, seeing as I will be joining you this time." She smiled like always and nodded getting into a start position, i pressed the button for her. I was to entranced watching her to actually do any practice myself. So when it ended I was a little shocked. "Sorry bout that kid, I was going to join you but got a little distracted.

"Its quite alright Sans, there is always next time, besides i needed the time by myself. I know we need to come up with a plan on what to do if my parents were to show themselves and honestly this is the only thing that calms me down. Especially now, I feel as if it's all I have left." She said looking down at her feet. Then quickly looked back up smiling, though I'm certain it was fake. "Right, um, sorry. I shouldn't have said that."

I shook my head taking her hand, "No it's alright. You were speaking your mind. Honestly I'm more sorry for you, you can't wear that scarf now thanks to Mettaton and his brilliant ideas. After the last show everyone wanted to see your eyes, even after you worked so hard to hide them. But i want you to know, not matter what your eyes look like they are still you. The part of you that I love the most after all. Your determination shows in your eyes, and that is what I rely on every day." I rubbed her scar with my thumb before she took my hand in hers.

We walked back down the stairs as the only ones in the house at the time, Paps was out to the store. "Sans is it me or is this place to quiet?" She was still half way up them when she stopped and was looking around nervously. I glanced around the room but everything seemed normal to me.

"No, everyone else is out remember. Paps went to get stuff for spaghetti. Alphys and Undyne went to the lab." She was shaking her head turning to the sofa. As she found her way next to me standing just of to the side, but she had a point. Something about this place did seem off, I just wasn't sure what it was. "Yet you might have a point, so hows about we go out. To the movies or something."

"Sure Sans, anything to get out of here right now." We started walking to the door but never made it that far. She collapsed to the floor below completely unconscious.

"Frisk?! Frisk are you-" I took a step to her but fell to my knees coughing. Then i heard a laugh come out from behind me and turned to look at who it was. Some lady I had never seen was there, my eye flared as i raised a hand to her.

"Don't bother trying. This gas eliminates magic, meaning even if you tried you couldn't cast anything at me. You monsters have gotten in my way when it came to my daughter so this time I will take care of you myself. By the looks of it Frisk has much less magic than you do which is impressive considering what they accomplished, not that it will matter soon enough." She said lifting her hand to her face.

"What are you talking about? Who are you lady?" I said dropping my hand, I could feel the magic draining from me as my eyes went back to normal.

"Oh me? As I said, I am Frisks mother. I've come to take her home, away from all of you monsters and your magic. She doesn't belong here. She belongs with us, making me money." She grinned wider than i would have imagined possible for a human. She walked past me as I tried to move closer to Frisk only managing to collapse onto the floor myself. I growled with frustration before my sockets felt heavy. "Don't you worry your skeletal head about this, there is nothing you or your friends can do to stop this. It was inevitable that I would take my child back, you knew this from the start. Now be a good monster and turn to dust."

I couldn't stay awake any longer and watched as she dragged Frisks limp body out the door. Man the guys were going to be mad when they found out. Only for now though all i could do was close my sockets and hope that Frisk would be alright. With the last breath I took I saw someone else enter the room and run up to me. Their mouth moved but I couldn't hear what was being said as I fell into a deep sleep.

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