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"Mpf.. Where am I?" Sitting up I could feel a soft blanket on top of me, pushing it off I realized how cold the room was. Pushing my legs over the side it felt like I hadn't moved in days, everything was stiff and sore. "Mmm.. my head is killing me." I placed a cold hand to my head before I stood up. "Sans? Are you there?" Silence. "Papyrus, Undyne, Mettaton?" Still more silence. "Alphys?" Nothing. Not a sound other than my footsteps on the cold floor.

'You know, your parents are the ones who took you right? I told you they would find you.' That voice caused me to turn around searching for it. 'You won't find me. But I'm not here to hurt you this time. I'm here to help you. Or maybe myself. I don't like being trapped here and I can help you escape. All you have to do is let me be in control, partner.' I blinked and stood still before taking in a deep breath.

"No. I know what you intend to do if I let you control me. I refuse to hurt anyone. Even these people that call themselves parents." I said, determination in my voice. "I will find a way to escape somehow. I will go home."

'Why, the human race is evil. Every single one of these miserable things just want to gain something for themselves. Why spare them when you could save monsters by destroying humanity?'

Sure they were right and humanity as a whole was not the best but not everyone is like that. "No. My sister is proof enough for me that some of humanity is worth the fight. Sure there are the bad ones like my parents but there are good people as well. I would not see everyone suffer because of the evils of a few." I turned my back and walked to the wall feeling along it. Following along every corner until I fund the door.

'Very well, don't say I didn't try to save you. You will come around soon enough, and I will be waiting. Just like old times, partner.' Running my hand down I found the cold metal of the door nob. I turned it to find it hadn't been locked. Maybe my kidnappers thought that because I couldn't see that I wouldn't make an attempt to escape unfamiliar surroundings. They would soon find out how wrong they were.

I followed the wall as far as it would take me, making sure my steps didn't make a single sound as I moved. I stopped coming to a corner realizing my phone was in my pocket, if I could call Sans... no. This place wasn't safe. I needed to get out of here first before I dared try to contact any of my friends. Taking a steadying breath I continued along the wall until I found a second door. The nob felt warm to the touch, problem was if I opened it and it didn't lead outside but to the kidnappers then I was going to be in for a world of pain.

Leaning close to it I tried to listen as see if I could figure out where it lead to. "So you see, she is asleep in her room. We can only keep her sleeping like that for about another week before we have to wake her. It would be best if you were to take her now, take her far enough away that her so called friends can't find her. Didn't you see the scars on her that they left. I think that she fell in love with her captors. What do they call it.. Stockholm Syndrome?"

"You might have a point mad'am. Yet the problem is you promised me undamaged goods. I'd say that the goods are far beyond damaged. Blind, scaring, possible run away. This will severely cut back the price you sold her to me for. Instead of the promised million I will give you a third that. I cannot pay full price for such a problem if you catch my meaning." This voice? Who's was it? The person my mother sold me to?

"I understand, but surly with the spirit and soul she possesses not to mention the fame she currently has gained she would be worth at least half the million." Was she serious? In any case this certainly was not the way out. I need to find a second door. Taking a step the floor boards underneath creaked under my weight. I went still worried that they knew I was awake.

"It would seem that the goods are awake, best get her now and leave. I will wire the money to your account and if I determine her to be worth more than I estimated then I will wire you more at a later date." I started running blindly down the hall hands before me. I slammed into walls but I couldn't turn back hearing shouts behind me. I eventually found a door and opened it entering quickly and locked it behind me. I was out of breath and tiard, I couldn't run anymore.

"Where did she go, she was just going down this way." That was my mothers voice. I needed to find a way out of here and fast. Feeling along the walls for a window or maybe a second door I found one. It wasn't a very large window but I might be able to squeeze out of it. It was better than waiting to be discovered. Feeling along the edges I found the latches and unlocked them. Trying to lift it was difficult in of itself. I just managed to get it lifted enough to slip through when I heard the nob jingle trying to open behind me.

"This door seems to be locked, you don't think she would be in here do you?" I had to act fast, lifting myself up I slipped my legs out first heating the nob jiggle and keys hit the door. "Just a moment longer and I will have it unlocked." Dropping down was a bit further than I had hoped it was. I was hoping it was a single story building but I was wrong. When I landed i managed to twist my ankle and groaned. Even so I had to move, I had to get far away from here. Standing I tried to run to no avail, so I had to use the weight on my other leg to get away and move as fast as possible.

I had no Idea where I was going but anywhere was going to be better than here. I felt the bark of a tree and slipped behind it hearing a door slam open and yelling to find me. How I couldn't have gotten far in my condition. No other choice but to try and call Sans. Pulling out my phone I turned it on continuing as fast as I could away from that house. When I was certain it was on I used my Sans speed dial button.

"Hello?" That was his voice on the other end. Oh thank goodness he was there. "Frisk is that you? Where are you?"

"Sans. Sans it's me. I don't know. I am trying to get away but they heard me when I was making my escape. I think I might be in the woods based off the smell of pine. Ah!" I fell, tripping over a fallen log. The phone fell from my hands. To make matters worse my hands and knees getting cut up in the process. My head hitting a rock before I fell to the leafy ground.

"Frisk? Frisk are you alright? Can you hear me? Alphis can you hurry up with that trace? Frisk hold on I'm coming just hold on. I won't leave you there alone. Alphis come on. Where is she?" Silence. My body felt so heavy and I couldn't make any thing move. I tried to call out to him but only managed a groan of pain. My head pulsing where I hit it. Knees and hands stinging from the cuts. My ankle felt tight most likely from swelling. "Finally, alright I'll be right there Frisk just hold on a second longer." Sans voice sounded so far away as tears left my eyes. I closed them before I heard the crunch of feet, then a gasp of surprise before a faster crunch of steps.

A hand touching my head, moving my hair from my face. I opened my eyes slightly. "It's alright Frisk. I'm going to take you home. I already have your phone. I'm so sorry this happened to you, I promise this won't happen ever again." I was lifted into the air my head against something soft made me want to go to sleep.

"Don't fall asleep Frisk, you have to stay awake for me. I know its going to be hard but you have to fight it. Think you can do that for me?" I groaned in response trying to open my eyes wider but warm liquid running down my face made me close them to keep it from getting in my eyes. I know it hurts right now but I promise you will feel better once we get you back home."

"There she is, and it looks like that monster found her. Don't you dare think of leaving here with my property beast." It was that male from before, the voice caused me to shiver and move uncomfortably in Sans arms.

"You will never touch a hair on her head buddy. Keep away from my family and friends. Keep even farther away from Frisk, unless you want to have a bad time. Capeesh." That man didn't get the chance to answer as I felt the air swirl around me like before, and again causing me to feel sick. Sans was ready this time though, my hair moved out of the way as he held me over something. After I was finished he lay me down on a table and I felt warm magic on me.


"Yeah, thanks for helping paps. I couldn't have gotten to her in time if it wasn't for Alphis though. I just hope she will be alright." I felt his hand squeeze mine so i tried to give him the same. unfortunately I couldn't manage much." That's right Frisk, I'm here for you. Thank you for trusting me enough to get you. I wasn't sure if you would."

"sa..ns I.. would..n't ha..ve mad..e it.. witho..ut y..ou. tha..nk y..ou f..for com..ming.. fo..r me." I managed to say, feeling his hand on my head cause me to sigh in content, before passing out into darkness.

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