He's Home

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(Don't play this song yet, Ill let you know when. We are starting off in no ones point of view.)

"Alright this is as far as I can take you. They cant see me and after I leave nither will you." A child who looked like a grey glitched out version of Frisk said. Gaster stood next to them without any expression showing on his face.

"Thank you Frisk, for all your help. I'm aware that I will never see your version again." He looked down and smiled at them. Looking at the house before him he started forward. Glancing back Frisk was gone, his hand reached out for the gate latch. Closing it behind him he stared at the house. Almost nervous about what awaited him behind those doors. Walking down the dirt path up to the wooden porch, he slowly made his way up the steps.

Rustling could be heard inside as well as shouts, "Maybe I should wait for things to settle down first." He was about to turn away when he heard a familiar voice come out from inside the doors.

"You don't understand! I cant stay here, they will not stop looking for me until you are all dead or I'm back with him. I'm protecting you all by staying with that man and his horrid wife. Just let me do this. You guys deserve so much better than to be hunted by them." They sounded like Frisk, only to be interrupted by a second deeper voice.

"Frisk we can just go to the police and tell them, they have a restraining order on them don't they. We can move somewhere he wont be able to find us. We can protect you, why don't you just let us do this one thing for you. You have already done so much for us. More than you know." He reached out and knocked on the door. Total silence erupted from the house and not a sound was made.


(Sans POV)

"Frisk we can just go to the police and tell them, they have a restraining order on them don't they. We can move somewhere he wont be able to find us. We can protect you, why don't you just let us do this one thing for you. You have already done so much for us. More than you know." I was arguing with Frisk about what we should be doing instead of letting them go back to those people who called themselves her parents.

Her face now covered up with a new scarf and hair in their face, she looked up about to say something else when we heard a knocking at the door. We all froze and looked to the door. It was so silent you could hear a pin drop in the other room. Undyne nodded to us I moved in front of Frisk, Papyrus and Undyne moved to open the door.

Mettaton stood next to me and Alphis went to the kitchen. We were all ready for any attack that could come through the door but what we saw when the door was opened we didn't expect. It was a skeleton, with two cuts down ether side his skull. "WHO ARE YOU?" Paps was the first to speak up as we all stood their completely confused. (Play song now.)

"I'm Gaster Papyrus, you and your brother wont remember who I am but, I've come home. Well sort of, you don't live underground anymore and I believe I have Frisk here to thank for getting you all out." He spoke and we all just stared at him, Frisk on the other hand just started to walk away. It was like they didn't want anything to do with him.

"Y-you're Papyruses and Sanses d-dad? You are the person w-who Frisk s-said would be c-coming back for them?" Alphis had made their way back into the room dragging Frisk with her. None of us knew what to say so we just looked on as he decided to speak.

"Yes, I let Frisk know I was coming back with some help from an outside source. I just arrived a few minutes ago, in front of the house thanks to them." I looked at him in shock, I remembered him, I remembered how he just disappeared and never was seen again. How no one remembered him at all, no one but me.

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