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(Alright guys you know the drill, this dance is a when told to while reading. White hair is Frisk, Pink is Mettaton, and blue is Undyne. Sorry for the long break period, hopefully this writers block is gone.)

After a long discussion about what had happened and Sans being silent about the whole thing, Papyrus seemed perfectly content. "HUMAN IT LOOKS LIKE YOU WERE RIGHT, EVEN SO I THINK WE SHOULD CONTINUE AS WE NORMALLY WOULD. WE CANNOT LET SOMEONE SCARE US INTO SUBISSION. WE WILL FIGHT FOR YOUR FREEDOM, JUST AS YOU FOUGHT FOR OURS NOT LONG AGO."

"That's right darling, and to prove that I have already set up a new dance show date, it will be a few weeks from now so we can practice song. There wont be anyone watching this time so that it is easier to protect you with security on alert or who to look for."

I could only listen as it felt as if I wasn't even there, then I heard a laugh that wasn't me, yet it was. "You think that will save her, please that isn't going to help. They will find her and take her away eventually then what will you do?" I felt a smile fall across my face as my scarf was pulled off my face, everything looked red yet I could see each person clearly before me. Who were all of these people?

I could only make out Gaster and his expression wasn't a happy one when he heard that voice. "No.. how did you get here Chara? I thought you finally went away."

"I don't know who you are but you will not get in my way. I kill people like you for less, but you know that from experience don't you?" I said still not in control of my own body as tears fell from my eyes.

"Gaster please explain what's going on. Who is Chara?" Sans asked looking at me, noticing the tears running down my face.

"Why don't you ask me Sansy? I am the one who killed Frisk. I am entitled to it after all. Gaster knows of all the other AU's but that wont really help you. All you need to know is Frisk sold me their soul so they could kill all monsters. Now that might not have happened on this run, nor do they remember it. That is just circumstance, I am the one in control here." I said, my eyes widen in horror as I decided to fight.

"No you will not kill them, I wont let you do that. Not now not ever." I yelled closing my eyes trying to force myself back in control. M soul felt light as I fell to my knees breathing heavily. I felt a hand on my back, opening my eyes I couldn't see anything but darkness again. My head felt light as I fell forward.

"Its alright Frisk I got you, think of this as a repaid debt for helping me get back to my family." I could only smile and nod as Gaster picked me up setting me on the couch. "Now then about how the world reset. What happened was when Frisk had made it home their parents used a gas that killed them. It was supposed to just make them sleep but they used to much and it stopped their breathing. Frisk was stuck in the reset void when Core came to me. Core is essentially Frisk but with  slight difference, they were created by the separation of part of their soul from the original.

"When I found this Frisk they were battling my son Sans, but not fighting. Quite the opposite, they were ready to die over and over again. Chara held them at knife point and has killed them on a few occasions. So when I stepped in it was to wake them up, to get them out of the void. So I gave them the message without telling them the whole truth about what would happen. They didn't know about resetting like so many before them have abused the power. As for this idea to lure out their attackers I don't know if it is a wise idea or not, but they cant just hide in the dark forever." He finally finished and I was in total shock.. I had died and didn't know it.

"We need to fix their sight. If we can get that back then they would be better equipped to fight." Undyne muttered after hearing the explanation.

"Unfortunately that is not possible even with the most powerful healing magic, the reason being that they were blinded before they fell and gained magic of their own. If one were to enter their soul they could see them there but nothing more than that. I am sorry Sans, but as much as you might wish for her to see again its just not possible." My eyes widened as I heard this.

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