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(So have any of you figured out how Gaster got back yet? I mean granted it hasn't happened yet technically but soon enough my dear readers. All good things come to those who wait. Also I really love this song. Also bad news guys, my computer and internet got fried so updates will be slower.)

Holding the needle in her claws Alphis started to panic. "S-sans pull out her soul, a-and don't touch it. We d-don't know what could h-happen I-if you touch it." Sans held his hand over Frisks chest focusing his magic on the soul then pulling it back taking the soul with it.

The bottom of the dark red soul was black. Cracks had started to form along the edges as it slowly detreated like dust. Sans could be heard cursing under his breath as Alphis stuck the needle carefully into the Soul.


Injecting the red solution into her soul It only seemed to slow down the dusting of her soul. "Alphis why isn't it working? Does she need more of it?" I looked at Alphis who only shook her head.

"If I gi-ive her anymore de-etermination we don't k-know what could happen. We just h-have to hope tha-at it works if no-ot then there isn't a-anything we can do. F-frisk will die if th-hey don't fight for their o-own life." I was angry, not at Alphis but at myself for not being able to do anything.

I slammed my fist down on Frisks chest not paying attention to where i hit. What my hand came in contact with was Frisks soul. I'm not sure what happened just that i felt heavy and everything going dark around me.

When I thought I woke up i was in a room that was bright and yet dark at the same time. I got up from the position I was laying in and started to look around. Wondering from area to area until I finally reached a door.

I reached down for the handle only to find it locked. I summoned a blaster and aimed for the door. After a moment of contemplation I busted the door open. With a new hold in the wall where the door had been and a bit of smoke in it i walked into the room.

I saw a wall with bars separating the two areas. Slowly walking up to them I took a closer examination. I heard singing but paid no mind to it, yet. The bars seemed to me made from bones and some metal mixed in. Like it wasnt sure way to cage something in with.

Running my hand over them i walked up to the door that was about a good foot from where i had walked into the room from. Once again locked but my focus was no longer on that. The singing I had heard sounded forced through a sobbing voice.

"Where are you now, are you lost. Will i find you again? Are you alone are you afraid, are you searching for me? Why did you go, I had to stay..." The voice stopped and took in a shake breath. "I dont know where i am, yes I'm lost. No you wont find me. I am so alone, im so afraid, because I can't find you. I left to protect you, that's why I staid. Please just forgive me."

Frisk was now answering the verse she had stopped on, and i felt the sadness in their voice as the room seemed to dim. Then they started up again finishing the song this time. I just listened as they sang it over and over, finally I had enough.

"Frisk, im here. Where are you? Come up to the bars so i can get you out of here!" I called out only to hear a hitch in their voice before sighing and starting over. I pulled out a blaster and shot the bars to the area.

They didn't break but Frisk stopped. I heard a shuffling of footsteps as they began walking to the bars. I finally made out their figure as they came into sight. They continued down until they were in arms reach.

The room seemed to have shrunk in size as they had come closer. I reached out for them but they dodged me. "Who are you, and how did you get here?" It took me in shock for a moment before i could reply.

"It's Sans, Frisk I dont know where we are but i can take you out of here. Let's go back home." I held out my hand to them to which they just looked to me like I was crazy.

"I can see who you are but i dont believe you are who you say you are. I also might not know what Sans looks like so i cant be imagining him. So seriously, who are you?"

"Frisk im serious, it is Sans. Why don't you believe me?" That answer should have been obvious to me but it wasnt. I mean I didnt even know where we were if i was going to be completely honest.

"Because it would be impossible for him to be here. Where ever here is, I think maybe my soul. So you can't be him because he cant get into my soul. Now leave apparition be gone so that I might... might."

She turned around to leave but i grasped her hand before she could. Her eyes went wide for just a moment before closing and trying to pull away. I held on, "Look I dont know how I got here but i am. The fact you can see here is amazing though. It must be because your soul wasnt blind to start with. That you were made blind by those people."

"Those people where at one time my parents. Sure I dont want to be with them but at least I knew who they were. Some people cant say the same. Look at Sans and Papyrus, they haven't seen their father in a long time. They deserve that happiness a lot more than I do. I'm just some toy to be sold off-"

I stopped her by pulling her to me, I hugged her through the bars that seperated us. "Don't you ever say that Frisk, you are not a toy. You are such a beautiful, strong person. I wish i had remembered it that day your father came to take you away. I wish i had done something to stop you from leaving. Please don't leave me again."

The bars separating us shattered to dust and we slid to the floor. I was crying clinging to Frisk who sat there for a moment before she brought up her arms slowly.

When I opened my eyes I was back in Alphis lab and i was clinging to Frisks body. Their arms moved slowly until they were wrapped around me. I was still in tears as their hand rubbed my back. Alphis sighed In relief and went back to the other room.

"Its alright Sans, I'm here and im ok. Calm down."

Dancetale: Fathers ReturnWhere stories live. Discover now