We Own The Night

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“Okay, so the stitches are still fresh, so that means no rough things, or things that could get your heart rate up for about three weeks, such as sports,” Vanessa helps Katherine into a wheel chair “Over exerting” she coughs awkwardly and looks at Zayn “and… well this is awkward, but that means no sexual activity either, the wound could reopen”.

            Zayn leans into Katherine’s ear and whispers; loud enough for the rest of us to hear “Don’t worry” he purrs, “I’m gentle”.

            Katherine’s jaw jumps and she blushes a deep red color. Zayn chuckles and kisses the pulse of her throat.

            “Liam, Louis, and Harry are waiting for us, we better get going” Niall says, walking back into the room after getting a bottle of water for me. 

            “I can walk” Katherine grumbles as Zayn pushes the wheelchair out the door.

            “False,” I say, “You might rip the stitches”.

            She mumbles incoherently and glares at Zayn who holds her shoulders so she can’t get up while the chair is in motion. We get down to the lower level of the hospital and help Katherine into the car, Niall drives, I sit in the front with him, and Zayn sits in the back with his girlfriend.

            We get to the hotel and Zayn helps Katherine over to the couch, despite her complaints and insistence that she can do it by herself. He gets her sat down and then leans over her, placing his hands on either side of her head and staring into her green eyes.

            “You need to stay here, you can’t come to the concert tonight” he says in a low voice, hooding his eyes slightly.

            “But-” she protests, looking straight into his beautiful eyes.

            “Please” he cuts her off, leaning closer to her, his eyes flicking from her mouth and back up to her eyes several times “I want you safe” he says, his voice even lower. “I love you” he whispers and kisses her.

            She sighs happily and relaxes underneath him “I love you”.

            “You know who I love?” Niall mummers as he walks up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist.

            “Nandos” I say sarcastically and turn my head to look at him.

            He shakes his head “Nope” he kisses me, prying my mouth open and tangling his tongue with mine for a brief moment “You” he coos. “I love you”.

            My heart stops “W-what?”

            “I love you,” he says slowly, getting a scared look in his bright blue eyes.

            “I-I love you too” I said that out loud right? Niall grabs my face and crushes his mouth to mine. I think I did.

            “Thank god” he mummers around my bottom lip.

            “I love you” I practice saying it. And I love the way he melts against me, sighing and relaxing completely as I run my hands through his hair. He sighs again and stops kissing me, laying his head on my shoulder, snuggling into the crook of my neck. God he’s adorable. I keep petting his hair and he keeps sighing, his breathing slows with every inhale. It’s to late before I realize that he’s falling asleep. “Um Niall?” he mumbles and snuggles more into my throat, tightening his arms around my neck. He’s asleep, or really close to it. Fuck. “Niall” I breathe into his hair.

            “He’s never done that before” Liam comes out of nowhere “He never falls asleep standing up. That’s actually really cute” he watches the blonde boy with brotherly love in his eyes.

            “What do I do?” I ask nervously, he’s not heavy, I can hold him up, but we have to leave for the concert soon.

            “Let go of him” Liam giggles. I give him a hard stare. “No? Okay, here.” He shakes Niall by the shoulder “Niall wake up c’mon”.

            Niall’s eyes flutter “What the hell, did I fall asleep on you?” he looks up and into my eyes.

            “Uh yeah” I clear my throat.

            “That’s awkward, sorry…” he reluctantly lets go and steps away, but I pull him right back up against my chest, nuzzling his jaw.

            “Don’t you dare apologize for that”.

            He smiles genuinely, his lip piercing distracting me.

            We walk back into the main room, hand in hand, and catch the tail end of Zayn’s and Katherine’s conversation.

            “We’ll be back soon” Zayn closes his eyes and presses his cheek to hers. He stands and straightens, holding onto her hand as long as he can, craving the contact. “Ready” He says, his voice rumbling from a deep point in his chest.

            I hug Katherine goodbye, and we all walk out the door, leaving her by herself.

            We get back later that night, buzzing about the concert, laughing at the things we all did. We open the hotel door and light spills into the dark room, we can see the t.v. playing from the main room, Niall, Zayn, and myself all walk in there on tiptop as the rest of the boys go get ready to sleep.

            The Telly is awake but Katherine definitely isn’t. Curled up into a tight ball, her head on her arm and her arm on the side of the couch. Her eyes are closed and a gentle look is on her face as she breathes slow and even.

            “Well it’s pretty obvious that I’m sleeping in here tonight” Zayn smiles and walks away, coming back with a few blankets. He sits on the couch and pulls Katherine’s head into his lap to make her more comfortable, sitting at an angle to where he can sleep too; he lays the blankets over her and then himself, humming quietly as he does so. When he’s done he looks up at Niall and I. “Goodnight guys” and he shuts off the Telly, making the room completely dark save for the moonlight and the light from the hall.

            Niall tugs me into the hallway and looks up at me “Patric… I really don’t want to sleep by myself tonight… I don’t want the nightmares to come… will you sleep with me?” he looks extremely frightened.

            “Of fucking course I will” I hug him tightly. He sighs in relief and walks with me to the room where he sleeps. I lay down and he lays behind me, wrapping his arms around me and snuggling into my back.

            “I love you Patric” He sighs, and then he’s asleep, just like that.

I love him too.

aww :> 


What Matters Is Us (Finished but under edit)Where stories live. Discover now