Live and Let Live

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Quite a time jump later, two years, One Direction is over, the boys have broken up, they still see each other, but they don’t sing as a group anymore. I was torn apart when they told Katherine and I. Then I remembered that I still got to see them every day. I feel sorry for the fans that can’t. I really do. I know how much they cried, because I would have cried that same amount.

            I feel extremely lucky at this point. I have Niall Horan all to myself, every night, I get to hear him say ‘I love you’ at least twice a day. I get to hold him and be held by him. On top of it all I’m living with him, my best friend, and my best friend’s boyfriend. All four of us in a wonderful apartment in London.  My life= complete. I love these three people more than anyone else in life, and I know for a fact they love me back. We have so much fun everyday, we chase each other around the house and yell at the top of our voices in joy. Life is an endless game for us.

The floor is wood, so on Saturdays Niall and I put on thick socks and slide down the hall, whoever falls first is the loser, and the loser has to make the winner breakfast. We’re playing this sock slide game when Zayn appears in the hall, Niall thumps right into him and falls to the floor. Caterwauling about how it isn’t fair that Zayn made him lose

“Guys… um. I have something to ask…” Zayn shifts from foot to foot, nervous.

“Yeah?” I giggle as I help my boyfriend up.

“Can you both… um… well… NOT be here tomorrow morning?”

“What for?” Niall pins him down with his ice blue eyes as he peels off his socks.

“Well…” he laughs nervously and twists his fingers, biting his lip, he checks around the corner to make sure Katherine isn’t there and then says in a hushed whisper “I’m going to propose to Katherine, and I’d like it if it’d be just the two of us… just in case she says no” he lowers his eyes to the floor and twists his fingers again.  

“You’re proposing!?” I squeal

“Shhh!!” Zayn panics, slapping a hand over my mouth.

“You’re proposing?!” I say in a quiet voice, bouncy excitedly on my heels.

Zayn smiles, relieved “Yeah” he scuffs the floor with his shoe.

“She won’t say no” Niall makes sure that Katherine didn’t hear me scream.

“You sure?” Zayn whispers

“uh duh, who in their right mind would?” I cross my arms and grin.

Zayn smiles again “I’m really nervous” he breathes.

“Don’t be! It will go fucking amazing” I push his shoulder gently.

He bites his lip again and smiles, “You don’t mind that I’m proposing right Patric?”

“Do you have to ask?!” I hug him “Of course I don’t mind! You guys are perfect!”

            “I only ask, ‘cause… well she’s your best friend” he mummers, hugging me back.

            “And as her best friend I’d love to see her happy, and nothing would make her happier that marrying you, she loves you”.

            “Thank you mate” he hugs me this time, and then Niall “Thanks guys” he starts to walk away put turns back around, “I just remembered” he pulls a black velvet box out of his pocket, opens it, and shows us the ring “Do you think she’ll like it?” (A/N picture of the ring is on the side).

            My jaw drops “She’ll fucking love that!” I exclaim, the ring glittering in the light.

            “Wow Zayn, yeah, she’ll love it” Niall bends close to it, turning the box so he can look at the ring without actually touching it. “That is really beautiful” Niall mummers as Zayn closes the box and slips it back into his pocket.

            “Thanks. I hope she thinks the same,” he scratches as his neck.

            “Zayn you could have gotten her a plastic bubble gum ring and she’d still love it, she’d still marry you, she’d still love you” I reassure him.

            He takes a deep breath, alarm fills his eyes, he fakes a smile and then pushes past us “hey baby” he says, his voice tight as he walks over to Katherine, who’s just appeared in the hallway.

            “Hey” she smiles and wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him close to her, pressing her forehead to his. “Everything okay? I heard someone yell a few minutes ago” she makes sure there’s no blood on the floor.

            “Oh yeah that was me, I slipped” I chuckle “Clumsy me”.

            Zayn gives me a grateful look and mouths a ‘thank you’ when Katherine isn’t looking.

            Katherine giggles and I watch as her eyes light up “You are okay though right?” she grins.

            “100% fine” I smile.

            “I made some food are you guys hungry?” she looks from Niall, to me, and then to Zayn as he nuzzles her throat.

            “Always” Niall grins, grabs my hand and puts a foot forward.

            “What did you make?” Zayn mumbles as he plants his hands on Katherine’s hips and snuggles his head into her neck.

            “Just sandwiches” she shrugs and runs a hand through Zayn’s hair.

            “How many?” I lean into Niall. 

            “A plateful, because I know how much you guys eat!” she jokes, rubbing Zayn’s back.

            “Well Zayn’s probably hungry but he looks a little busy” Niall tilts his head and watches the dark haired boy.

            “Shut up” Zayn laughs and smiles into Katherine’s lips as he kisses her.

            Katherine giggles and looks into Zayn’s eyes “I love you” she runs her hands through his hair again.

            Zayn’s earlier nervousness seems to disappear for a moment “and I love you”.

            “Awww, the happy couple” Niall teases.

            It’s Katherine that tells him to shut up this time, and then shoves him playfully into the kitchen. It looks as if she doesn’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow, good, Zayn obviously wants to keep it a surprise.

What Matters Is Us (Finished but under edit)Where stories live. Discover now