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Arnell was sitting on her hospital bed waiting nervously for the nurse to come in. She had been there for hours, and had grown impatient. She still had to go to the police station after for God knows how long. The whole situation was just stressing her out.

Arnell sighed deeply. She struggled with one hand to pick up the phone that was plugged in on a table in the room. She called August and asked him if he could pick her up. She would've taken an uber or something, but she had left her wallet at Damitri's and her phone was now dead.

The nurse finally came into the room after almost two hours of Arnell just sitting there. Arnell noticed how the nurse was giving her dirty looks like she had a problem. She flipped her stiff ass weave and sat down with out speaking. Arnell shook her head and didn't pay her any attention.

She continued to sit in silence as she wrote things down on her clip board. She started chewing loudly on her gum which immediately irratated Arnell. Arnell began rubbing her temples. A couple of minutes went by before she finally said something.

"How long you been pregnant?" The nurse asked sounding unprofessional. She was still going in on the piece of gum.

Arnell ignored her tone. "I don't know." She said while thinking. "Maybe a cou-"

"What you mean you don't know?" The nurse said cutting her off.

"Damn, can I finish?" Arnell snapped back. "Fuck wrong with you?" She was already in a bad mood and the bitch was pushing it.

"Look, you not finna be disrespecting me. All I did was ask a question." The nurse replied snaking her neck.

"Bitch, if you gon' ask a question, lemme answer it!" Arnell yelled. "I don't have time for y'all rude ass ratchet community hospital employees. Do your damn job cause I will fuck up this room and yo raggedy ass in the process, I AM NOT in the mood." Arnell said while getting up. The nurse got up as well and walked towards Arnell.

"Is there a problem?" Another nurse asked while walking in the room. He came just in time because the girls were only a few inches away from each other. "Wassup, Tashika?"

The nurse stepped behind her coworker. "She gettin all worked up because she ain't know how long she been pregnant." The nurse replied. "Poor girl prolly don't even know who her baby daddy is." She laughed out loud as she crossed her arms.

"Oh, I know who my baby daddy is, but do you know where your edges are?" Arnell asked. Her jaw dropped while the other nurse tried his best not to laugh. "Didn't think so. Now take ya Stevie Wonder hairline up outta here and go humble yourself sweetheart."

He guided her out of the room. "Go Tashika." He ordered.

"Get a new job ho!" Arnell shouted as he closed the door. He turned around and stared at Arnell with a confused look on his face.

"Why you in here trynna fight nurses, man?" He asked. "With one arm, at that."

"Why you ain't asked her the same question?" She shot back. "You weren't in the room, so don't come for me." Arnell scoffed.

"I mean you in here cussin out nurses in a hospital." The man explained. "That doesn't look too good on your part."

"You're a male nurse." Arnell scoffed. "That don't look right." She added while folding her arms.

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