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At the diner, Mitch and Max sat with their recently hired private investigator, Thorton.

"So your husband signed his name to the marriage license with an "X"." Thorton asked.

"Yes." Mitch responded.

"So you married a guy without knowing his name."

"It was Fiji, okay? I was on vacation." Mitch responded as Max raised an eyebrow at this.

"No, no, I'm not being judgmental. I'm being just trying to ascertain the, the facts. Uhm... did you consummate the marriage?" Thorton inquired as he went through the small file.

"Full moon. Tropics. Yeah. There was definite consummation activity." Mitch responded. Max made a face of disgust from behind Mitch.

"We already looked in to hathing the marriage annulled. Annulment requireth conthent from both partieth. Which is why we need a private invethtigator - to find the "huthband". Tho, we can get married." Max butt in.

"Right. Well, I was going to need any description you can provide about your husband. Details, dates, photographs, ah who else was there?" Thorton requested.

Mitch hesitated. He didn't remember much from this part of his life. "Tall. Yes. Muscular. Black. That's all I got. You know what, I think his name had a "B" in it – or, actually, it could have been a "K". You know what, I can make you a sketch?" he asked uncertainly.

Thorton groaned.


Scott had just finished examining the skull before he called Joe. He, of course, answered.

"This is good. Mhm, first time you called me in weeks. This is progress, Bones!" he joked.

Scott scoffed. "There's scoring on the skull. The scraping is uniform in spacing but not depth, which suggests an ungual pattern."

"Whats an uncle pattern?"

Scott sighed. "No, ungual. Guh. Guh. Ungual" Scott saw that Kevin had just walked onto the platform, who heard most of it and looks at him. "How do I say this in a way that makes sense to Joe?"

Kevin took the phone. "Something chewed on the skull, Joe."

"Oh! Like a bear or a dog, right?" Joe perked up at his understanding.

"Human, Joe. Doctor Hoying is saying human." Kevin said as Scott took the phone back.

"In the vernacular, our victim's face was chewed off by a cannibal." Scott told him.

Joe lost his appetite. "Great. Just great."


In the F. B. I. questioning room, prosecutor and worker in the U.S. Attorney's office, Dobium Collins sat with Special Agents Charlie Bradbury and Joe Hobbs.

"The ensuing accident was called in by a trucker who saw it in his rear-view mirror. Now the driver of the reefer-mobile-" Charlie started.

"Reefer-mobile?" Dobium asked but Charlie kept talking.

"-Identified said truck as the one from which the skull rebounded before said skull lodged in his windshield. The truck dumped its contents at a municipal landfill near Salisbury." Charlie finished.

BONES AU - PART THREE  "The Cannibal in Question"Where stories live. Discover now