Chapter 35

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One. More. Chapter. :))


A few months before the wedding .
Y/n's POV

The light was burning through my eyelids as I fought for my sleep. I attempted to turn the direction I was in to ignore the fact that it was time to wake up, but arms were wrapped around my body keeping me from even the slightest movement.

As I moved a little bit more, the grip tightened around my body as if when they woke up I wasn't gonna be here.

One I turned and faced the blonde beauty, I stared at her. Only two minutes had gone by and she began to breathe very heavily and was soon whimpering lightly.

"Baby wake up" I shake her body slightly. It doesn't end up working, so I sit her up and pull her into my chest.

"Oh my god" she breathes out as she holds on to me even tighter and begins crying silently.

"Y-Y/n" she stutters out as she pulls me even closer into her than before, if that's even possible.

"What's wrong Dinah" I whispered into her ear as slowly began breathing normally again.

A/n it took me 5 tries to type normally cause I kept putting normani😂

"It it was a bad dream- and I I thought-"

"Are you sure you wanna talk about it" I ask her pulling her on top of my lap instead of last position.

She simply nods in response and attempts to speak again.

"In my dream, we had just gotten married, and so we were getting driven inside a black limo, but something was off. They weren't taking us to the airport for our flight to our honeymoon. When I asked them where we were going they just told me to shut up so I did as I was told and soon enough we were pulling up behind a ware house-" she stops for a second, slowly taking in breaths of air, calming her nerves.

"We ended up getting held at gun point Y/n, I didn't know what to do cause I was the one they wanted dead, but you wouldn't let them. You fought for me and you saved my life and ended up getting shot and I got rescued" she says more tears slipping down her cheeks.

"Dinah, I'm right here okay? Perfectly fine, and you're in my arms" I say to her as I kiss her forehead.

"I love you so much Y/n you don't understand how much I love you. I don't even understand how much I love you" she says rambling on before I cut her off with a sweet kiss.

"I love you too dinah" I say smiling at her happily.

She grabs my hand as we go out on to the balcony of the hotel we had been staying at.

"It's beautiful isn't it" she breathes out as she stares at the beautiful sunrise.

"Sure is" I speak out before she turns to me realizing I wasn't talking about the view.

"Baabbe I was talking about the view" she says whining.

"And I was talking about my view" I grab her by her waist and pull her into me, gently kissing her lips.

It stayed slow and passionate, before air began to be an issue.

We pulled away, both sighing in content. Happy with each other's presence.

She got up and sat on the ledge of the balcony, while I rapped my arms around her body.

I could hear her singing, ever so softly.

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