Chapter 10

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Y/n's POV

Everything is starting to overwhelm me. Dinah's birthday will be in a few days and I need to plan that to make it special. On top of it, Dinah and I have been playfully flirting all week, which is boosting my self esteem on whether or not I should act on my feelings. We were being rushed onto the plane by the security guards causing me to internally groan with each step I took.

Five minutes into the plane flight and I was already bored. I had gone on snapchat already and posted a selfie on my story to help pass the time. Another five minutes go by before I finally give in to the temptation.

"DJ come cuddle me-" I stop for a quick second to think of an excuse. Got one "I'm colddd" to make things more dramatic, I say everything in a baby voice while adding a pout at the end of the sentence. Her reaction to this is kissing my nose, causing me to scrunch it up.

"Of course Y/n/n" I love when Dinah says my nickname. Gives me them butterflies. I SHOULD WRITE A SONG FOR HER TO SING ON HER BIRTHDAY..wait that's so random. That just sounded like perfect lyrics and I'm not even a song writer. Next thing ya know, me and Dinah are cuddled up to each other talking about a bunch of random stuff. Just the chance to talk to her though is a miracle. I can consider myself the luckiest girl in the world. I finally started to doze off before I started to hear speaking again, yet I kept my eyes closed.

"Psst hey guys. Yo girl Dinah comin at you live from the plane." I hear Dinah speak, to what I'm assuming is her phone. She's so cute I swear.

"Look at this wild creature I found. The creature looks extremely beautiful and is completely rare" I hear Dinah say as she begins to shift in her seat. Awee she thinks I'm beautiful. I wish she would see me as more than a friend then I think to myself.

"Goooddnigghhttt my little cuties. And goodnight from dis one too" I hear her speak for what sounds like the last time before I feel a pair of lips press gently to the top of my head. Boy how much I wish that was on my actual lips. With her in my lap. And my arms around her waist. While she- never mind I won't even go there. It's all in my head. A few minutes later I'm being shaken. Maybe if I don't move or breathe she'll leave me alone? I don't respond till finally she shakes me enough to the point where I'm annoyed. Quickly, I sit up and begin rub my eyes since they're hurting from the bright sun. As soon as I have my clear vision again I take one look towards Dinah and fall in love all over again. Wait did I just hear that correctly. No no, I'm not in love it's just a silly crush. It's not real nor will it ever be real. I look back into her chocolate brown orbs that I've been addicted to and see her smiling. Maybe I do love her? Only one way to find out. I gently pull her face towards mine pulling her in for a kiss..and for a split second..I know what heaven is like, paradise is, and the meaning behind passion. I've found everything I need in that one kiss. Before I can hear what she has to say about the kiss I get up as fast as possible and take off running out of the plane, leaving a pretty confused Dinah behind. Before I'm completely away I hear her shout.

"WAIT Y/N COME BACK!" And just like that, that's the last thing I hear Dinah say before I'm completely gone and inside the food court at the airport. I'm kinda hungry after seeing all this food. Let's just order man, girls gotta eat when a girls gotta eat. I stand in line for a few minutes before finally reaching the cash register at the McDonald's.

"What can I get for you beautiful." The guy asked. Cringe I cringe so much you don't even know.

"Uhm can I just get the 20 piece chicken nugget meal. It comes with two drinks and two fries right?" I questioned, might as well bring Dinah back some food when I finally decide to face her.

"Yes princess. That is what the order comes with, what drinks and would you like any sauces?" He said while smiling at me. This boy is gross he needa stop.

"Just make both of them coke and for sauces..-" I stop to think about it.
"Make it ranch and sweet n sour sauce." After saying this I glance at my phone to see texts from Dinah.

Dinah🌺: Why'd you leav?why can't you come back?

Dinah🌺: Y/n I'm looking for you so be ready for me🙄

Dinah🌺: The one place you can't resist. Food court.

Dang I like controlling Dinah, wait oh shit she knows I'm here and it was sent a few minutes ago
"Your total will be $10.19 and by the way,you look cute when your thinking." He stops talking to think for a minute before finally speaking up again.

"Hey would you like maybe wanna..uhm go on a date some time?" And before I can process the words coming out of his mouth I feel a strong pair of arms wrap around my waist and speaking occurs once again.

"She can't because I'm her girlfriend and that would be considered cheating." Those are the only words I hear come out of the familiar Polynesians voice, before I feel her roughly pull me close and smash her lips into mine. Everything overwhelming me and taking me by surprise. After about 5 seconds she pulls away, and looks into my eyes...

Authors note!

How you like the update huh? You guys will be together. Before you know it! I hope you're enjoying the book, comment any ideas or opinions!


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