Sunday night
Dinah's POV
I'm about say goodbye to the girls and go on my flight but I'm scared. This is it. This plane will take me to the person I'm slowly but surely falling for.
What if she doesn't like me back? What if she isn't even bi or lesbian? What if she thinks I'm ugly in person what if she gets mad at me for telling her I'm part of fifth harmony? What if- my thoughts got rudely interrupted by someone shaking me."Snap out of it Dinah" Camila says still shaking me.
"I know she'll like you, she may not know it yet, but she will in the future. Plus I seen the way you two text, she definitely has a crush on you." Camila says while smirking.
"Ugh I love you walz, but never read my texts without me knowing." I say while slightly pushing her away.
"Okay okay sorry about that but it was super funny, you have to admit." Camila says burying out laughing again.
"Bye Mila, I'm gonna text you everything that happens okay?"I ask her unsure if she knows.
"Sounds good DJ. Now go catch your flight and say hi to your lover girl for me" she says winking.
I shake my head at the thought and hugged all of the other girls before heading to board the plane. I decided to text Y/n before the plan took off.Me: heeyyy babe I just got on the plane now. I can't wait to see you🙈
Y/n💞: oh baby girl I can't wait either. Hey love, I'll see you soon. Tomorrow morning?
Me: we could do that..or I could come tonight..
Y/n💞: Damn mami. Hit me up whenever you want.
Me: we'll see depending on what time I get off of this dumb plane. I love you babe, see you soon.
I can't believe I actually texted her that I loved her. Well she doesn't know what kind of love I'm talking about.
Y/n's POV
Dinah💋: we could do that..or I could come tonight..
Damn when she texts me like that, it makes me feel all types of ways. Ways I've never even felt before.
Me: damn mami. Hit me up whenever you want
Dinah💋: well depending on what time I get off this dumb plane. I love you babe, see you soon.
Holy frick frackle. Hey don't judge me on my choice of words. I was always taught not to cuss. But oh my god she said she love me. My smile was bigger than its ever been. After a few seconds I soon frowned. She probably just meant it in a friendly way. I mean at least she cares for me right? I want her to care for me more than that though. More than a friend. But that will never happened.
Me: I love you too. See ya soon

Drunk Texting Dinah/you
Hayran KurguDrunk text measages was something you had never experienced before. Could it possibly change your life? Read to find out!