15. Happiness

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"I love sleepovers" I smile as I turn over in bed and find Josh sitting beside me on his phone.

"Why?" he asks with a laugh as he looks down at me. "You like having crazy kids running around the house at all hours of the night?"

"I mean I could do without that but it's worth it if she sleeps in" I add as my fingers runs down his arm, "how did we get so lucky to have such an early bird as a daughter?"

"Your sarcasm is adorable" he smiles as he puts his phone on the nightstand. "How are you today my gorgeous fiancée?"

"Good" I reply as I rest my hands on his chest, "better than yesterday if that's why you're asking" I add as I glance up at him.

"You have no reason to worry Maya, she's my past. She has been my past for years. Even when I was with her it was always you and you know that" he says as he tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. "I'll be there as a friend for her but that's it. I promise Maya, I'm not going anywhere."

"I know" I reply as I kiss his chest and snuggle into his arms. "I love you."

"I love you too" he replies as he kisses the top of my head. "And I'm starving, do you want breakfast?"

"Are you really asking if I want food?" I laugh as I glance up at him, "it's like you haven't been dating me for what? Six years was it?"

"Alright smart ass" he laughs as he yanks my arm so I land on top of him. "Got any more remarks you'd like to make?" he asks playfully as he grips my hips.

"What are you gonna do to me if I say yes" I smirk as I lay my hands out on his chest, feeling his heart racing beneath my hands.

"I have a few ideas" he smirks as he reaches up to kiss me as we hear a knock on the door making us pull apart. "Damn" he sighs as he collapses onto the bed, "this had potential" he smirks as I hit him lightly.

"You're awful" I laugh as I climb off him. "Come on time to be parents."

"Why did we decide to have a kid?" he asks playfully as he sits up while I head over to the door.

"We decided?" I laugh, "I thought we had sex and a condom broke" I smirk as he rolls his eyes.

"Happy accident" he shrugs as I smile, pulling open the door to find my daughter carrying Lambie and hand in hand with Lily.

"The happiest" I agree as I bend down to kiss her forehead. "Hungry?" I ask the girls as they nod and we head off to the kitchen.


"What time is Riles coming by to pick up Lily?" Josh asks curiously as he sits beside me on the couch while the girls color at the coffee table in front of us.

"A little bit" I shrug. "Why do we have plans?" I smirk as he kisses my forehead and laughs.

"What kind of plans would you like to have?" he asks playfully as I slap his arm making him laugh as he throws his arm around my shoulders.

"You are beyond awful" I tease as I look up into his sparkling blue eyes that still made my heart melt after all these years.

"Thanks" he smirks as he leans down to kiss me as a crayon lands on my shoulder. "Um excuse me" Josh says as he pulls away from me, "Emma what do you think you're doing?"

"Coloring" she replies innocently as she bats her eyelashes making me bite my lip as I stifle a laugh.

"Coloring mommy and daddy?" he questions as she giggles.

"You were kissing" she points out as I smile, looking up at Josh.

"That's because I love your mommy. Don't you want your mommy to know I love her" he asks as she smiles and nods her head.

"I love mommy too" she replies.

"Then give momma a kiss" he instructs her as she stands up and comes up to me, kissing my cheek.

"Love you mommy."

"I love you too baby girl" I smile as I hug her, "now go color the paper okay?"

"Okay" she replies as she sits back down with Lily.

"You're cute" I smile as I fall back into Josh's arms.

"I try" he replies as he kisses the top of my head. "Love you."

"Love you too" I smile as I lift my head and bring my lips up his as the doorbell rings. "I think the world is against us kissing today."

"I thought it was just Emma" he replies making me laugh as I get off the couch and head to the door, pulling it open to reveal Lucas.

"Hey I thought Riles was coming" I say as I let him in, closing the door behind him.

"She was gonna but she isn't feeling well" he explains as Lily catches his eye and runs up to him.

"Daddy" she exclaims as she jumps into his arms. "I colored you a tiger" she informs him as she hands him a coloring page making Lucas smile.

"Thanks princess but maybe we could give it to mommy, her and the baby aren't feeling well" he says as her face falls.

"Mommy's sick?"

"Yea" he says sadly, "that's why I'm picking you up buttercup" he adds playfully making her smile.

"Then we'll give mommy and the baby the tiger" she decides as Lucas smiles.

"Perfect" he says as he looks back at me and Josh finally. "Thanks for taking her last night. I knew she really wanted to spend some time with Emma."

"It was no trouble. They're angels when they're together" I shrug. "Tell Riley I hope she feels better."

"Of course. See you later pancake" he teases as he kisses my cheek making me laugh as he gives Josh a bro hug and leaves.

"Can we watch Doc now?" Emma asks hopefully as I smile at my daughter sitting on the couch with the remote in her hand.

"Why do I feel like you're going to turn it on anyway if I say no?" I ask as I settle back onto the couch beside her.

"Because I know how to use the remote" she smiles as she clicks on Disney Junior.

"I think she's better at using that thing than you are" Josh teases me making me laugh as I reach around Emma's shoulder and slap him. "Such abuse."

"You love me" I smile as Josh looks between me and Emma.

"I love both of you" he says sweetly, "my girls."

"Your girls" I reply happily as I reach over and kiss him, this time without knocking, doorbells, and crayons to interrupt us. 

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