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Maybe stories are supposed to begin with a happy "Once upon a time", where the future prince or princess is nothing but a pauper and lives on nothing. Slaving away everyday, making sacrifices for the sake to live.

But what if it was the other way around? What if it was a young prince, who was next in line for the throne and he had a evil uncle who wanted you dead. What if that young prince needed to run away? The mysteries he unfolds thanks to his professor about the land in which he lives in, the land called Narnia.

But what happens when he calls the 5 Kings and Queens of old?

Where as back in England Peter and Sophia are struggling with their relationship. Peter misses his land he ruled over. But what happens when they go back? Will their relationship break or get better? Will Caspian fall for the High Queen?


"Lord Miraz, you have a son."

"The heavens have blessed us." He spoke slowly in a monotone voice. "You know your orders,General Glozelle."

"Yes, my Lord." He spoke dryly, with a slight touch of fear of what was about to happen next.

Meanwhile within the Castle walls, men were marching to the Princes room. Ready with crossbows and swords. A hooded figure walked through the corridors of the castle to go to the princes side.  The cloaked figure quietly sneaks in, pulls the drapes away, walking over to the future Kings bedside. He puts his handover Prince Caspian's mouth and awakens the King instantly startling him. Caspian looksup to see that it's Doctor Cornelius and immediately relaxes, due to his professor scaring him awake.

"Five more minutes." Caspian mumbled to his professor, laying back down to sleep.

"You won‟t be watching the stars tonight, my prince." Cornelius said sternly, ushering Caspian to get up. "Come, we must hurry."

Cornelius pulls Caspian out of bed and to a wardrobe in the corner of the room, opening the secret passage they would venture out of every evening to watch the stars and talk about the history of Narnia. About the High King and Queens of old and the history of them. But Caspian could not help but feel Cornelius was scared and worried for him; in fact he felt as if he was about to face the worse news he could ever hear.

"Professor, what is going on?" Caspian spoke sternly.

"You're aunt has given birth." The man stressed. "Too a son!"

Caspian knew what that would entail. He knew his uncle would want to be King and have his own legacy for the kingdom, but Caspian knew he would play dirty and kill him to get what he wanted. It was just time that was the killer, if he stayed in that room for much longer, he would not be breathing for much longer. Doctor Cornelius steps into the wardrobe, walking out of the secret passage and Caspian shortly follows his trusted friend. He leaves the door open a crack, and looks out as he hears the guardsmen quietly enter his room, assuming Caspian is still in the bed. Glozelle and his men surround Caspian's bed, and begin firing arrows, which Caspian knew if he had been there, he would have died instantly. No movement was made from the bed and the guards opened the curtains around the bed and see that the bed is empty. Caspian then ran out making sure he was quiet.

As Caspian and Doctor Cornelius race down a winding stairway as they get to the stables where Caspian's horse is kept. Caspian finds a sword, as he knew it would not be that easier to leave this place and got onto his horse, Destier. He held the horse to make sure it stayed still as he saw his dear friends face for maybe the last time. Caspian himself knew how much trouble Cornelius would get into, if Miraz ever found out he had helped him escape. He felt guilty.

"You must make for the woods." Cornelius instructed.

"The woods?" Caspian questioned as he had heard of the horrors that lay there.

"They won‟t follow you there." He ensured the terrified Prince.

Cornelius hands a wrapped object to Caspian. Caspian opens it and sees a horn, the horn that used to belong to High Queen Susan. He had been taught by Cornelius the importance of the horn and how it could summon back the Kings and Queens of old.

"It has taken me many years to find it." He spoke. "Do not use it except at your greatest need."

"Will I ever see you again?" Caspian asked, concerned for the well-being of his trusted friend.

"I hope so, my dear prince." He smiled. "There is so much I meant to tell you. Everything you know is about to change."

They hear something.

Not just anything, the guards had spotted Caspian on his horse.

"Now go!" He demands and touches the horse to move.

The horse races down the palace streets and jumps over the bridge that was beginning to fold back in. With a lot of fear and running on nothing but adrenaline, Caspian raced into the forest which had the Telmarines scared for century's. A huge bang makes the horse go on his two back legs. As Caspian looks up he sees an array of colours burst into the sky. Fireworks. He knows Miraz would be awaiting to show the Telmarine people their future King. Fireworks were only used for special occasions and for a symbol of happiness, which juxtaposed everything Caspian was feeling. He was far from happy. He felt betrayed but somehow it did not come to a shock to him, that his own uncle would try and attack him.

Caspian races further and enters the woods, followed behind by Miraz's men to capture Caspian. All of the soldiers pull back when they see where they are being led. Everyone feared the woods.

"Which of you superstitious old women would like to spend the night in a cell?" Glozelle shouts to them.

They all enter the woods.

Caspian safely crosses a river.When the soldiers, shortly after, cross, a few of them are washed away in the river, never to be seen again.Caspian looks back and doesn't seem them, relief is filled into his body. As he looksforward again, he sees a branch but it is too late, he is knocked off his horse and dragged, due to his leg being attached to the side of the gear on the horse.

After a struggle, hemanages to get his foot out of the stirrup and lays to the ground. He lies therefor a while, and then sits up. He looks around. Looking around he hears a noise to the side of him.

Suddenly, a door in the tree on his right opens. Two dwarfs step outand notice that Caspian is there. Caspian clutches onto his sword.

"He has seen us!" Nikabrik shouts to the other

The other dwarf named Trumpkin draws his sword and runs toward Caspian. Then, seeing the horn, he stops. Trumpkin looks over and sees Telmarine soldiers approaching and knows what he has to do. He looks back at Nikabrik.

"Take care of him!" Trumpkin orders towards the other and rushes towards the Telmarines with his sworddrawn.

Caspian grabs the horn as Nikabrik races over to him.  Caspian presses his lips to the horn and blows it in an act of help, hoping it would do something.

"No!" Nikabrik shouts as Caspian blows on the horn.

With one swift movement, the future King of Narnia is knocked out with a stone.

Sehnsucht - Sequel to 'Sophia The Stalwart' (Peter Pevensie Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now