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Caspian picks up a torch as well, placing my hand on his arm and leads the rest of us down a dark tunnel. Peter is walking with Katherine, who slips as we walk down. I see Peter grab her by the waste and move close to her due to her "fall". Quickly, I looked away not wanting to see anymore on what was could happen.

At the end of the room, Caspian bends down and lights a fire, which spreads around the
room, revealing carvings of Narnians and Aslan. As I look up I see the cracked Stone Table, that I had once seen Aslan suffer on. I held onto my wrists, feeling the same pain that I felt when I had been captured by her.

"Sophia" Susan spoke. "Are you okay?"

I nod my head in reply and walks away to the other side of the room.

Lucy looks at the carving of Aslan and slowly walks towards to me. We go again to Aslan's stone table and we sit upon it. I run my finger tips over the table, remembering the pain he went through.

"He must know what he is doing." Lucy sighed.

"I think it is up to us now." Peter spoke to us.

"How can you say that?" I snapped looking at him.

I walked closer to him and of course his little companion was always with him. But she did not frighten me and neither did he.

"Just remember who is the real king of this world" I snarled.

"Not now Sophia." He growled. "He left them."

"And so did we!" I argued.

"That's not fair!" He yelled. "That was not our choice."

"Yes it was." I shook my head. "We chose to walk into that wardrobe! There is no use, in pretending any different."

"If Aslan truly cared-" Peter began. "Then we would be working as it was planned out to be and Aslan would of been here to protect his land."

I turned around to him and pushed him back, which startled him. I continuously hit Peter on the chest, angry and hurt by his words he had spoken.

"How have you changed that quickly!" I yell as Caspian pulls me away from Peter. "One moment you tell me you love me and the next you do not want to know me. Just because you have her now does not mean we do not have to sort out what we have Peter! I hate you! I really hate you!"

Caspian pulls me away before I can say anything else. But that does not stop me at all.

"She is fake Peter! There is something not right about her! So when everything messes up, only blame yourself!" I yell and then my legs cave in.

Caspian picks me up and sits me down on the side. I hug into him crying more and more, hoping if I cry all my pain and suffering will just leave me. Leave me to forget about the boy I used to love. Well who I am kidding, I am still madly in love with him but I hate who he has become. This is not the peter I know. I vowed to myself at that moment in time, that I would find out about that girl, that girl who came out of no where and seem to stay behind in the shadows, watching each one of us.

I stop crying and look towards Caspian. He smiles at me, which makes me smile back instantly.

"There is that beautiful smile" He beams to me which makes me blush.

Caspian really was great. He was so kind, caring and would never get mad at me. He was honestly incredible too look at and his brown eyes always made me melt. Caspian was handsome and I never understood as to why he did not have a girl he liked. As I am sure every girl in the kingdom would want him.

"Thank you" I said to Caspian as he looked at me.

"You are more than welcome, my Queen" he replied in a hushed tone.

I looked at him, then to his lips. I felt a sudden urge to just kiss him, that need and want just filled my heart and mind but I knew I could not - it was like an evil force was tempting me.

Looking to Caspian I kissed his cheek and smiled to him; walking away to find Lucy or Susan. I needed some girl company, just to relieve my stress I was building up inside of me.

I began to walk around the How, to try and find anyone to talk too, apart from Peter or that girl of his. Truth be known I was jealous, beyond jealous actually. I hated her. But in my defence, there is something that is up with her. She does not seem like she is telling the whole truth. I needed to find out the truth.

I walked along and turned the corner to hit into Edmund. He looked at me with sympathetic eyes, then pulled me into a hug.

"You okay?" He smiled as he hugged me.

"Yeah" I sighed, not really believing my words.

"You know I am here for you don't you?" He said pulling me away, to look at my face.

I nodded my head quickly.

"Of course I do Ed." I smiled. "Thank you"

"No problem." He spoke and was about to walk away.

"Wait. Ed?!" I yelled slightly.

He came back to me.

"Why is Katherine here? What happened in the woods?" I asked intrigued.

"When we heard the scream, Peter ran, followed by me and Caspian. Me and Caspian caught one of the Telmarine solider that was carrying her. Then Peter began talking to her. She said she was from Telmar and the castle; that Miraz wanted her dead because of her standing up for the Narnians."

I frowned at the information I was given by Ed. He knew what I was thinking and thought the exact same thing.

"Something is not right about her Edmund." I whisper. "And I will find out what"

I thanked him and walked off again to find Lucy and Susan. As I walked on the edge of the How I was met with some fauns that were the look outs for the How, to ensure no one was watching us. I stood there with them and watched out into the huge fields of grass and trees, when I saw a familiar blonde haired girl walk into the forest.

It was Katherine.

Sehnsucht - Sequel to 'Sophia The Stalwart' (Peter Pevensie Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now