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"I do not remember this way at all. Are you sure you are going the right way?" Susan questioned Peter as we followed him around for a few hours.

"That is the problem with girls." Peter spoke turning around. "You can't carry a mapin your heads."

"That's because our heads have something in them." I replied quickly in retort.

Earning a eye roll and a glare from my boyfriend as he turned around to me.

"I wish he'd just listen to the DLF." Susan said to us, directing at me and Lu.

We both nodded our heads in agreement.

"DLF?" Ed asked so confused.

"Dear Little Friend." Lucy spoke turning to Trumpkin

"Oh, that's not patronizing, is it?" Trumpkin mumbled.

Me, Lucy and Susan smile at our new found friends comment. While we keep following Peter aimlessly, Peter steps into a rock passage and stops. We had hit a dead end.

"I am not lost." Peter spoke to himself.

"No..." Trumpkin argued. "you‟re just going the wrong way."

"You said you last saw Caspian at the Shuddering Wood, and the quickest way there is to cross at the riverrush." Peter snapped back nastily.

"Peter" I scold him for his remark.

"But, unless I‟m mistaken, there‟s no crossing in these parts." Trumpkin replied confident, that he was right.

"That explains it then." Peter spits nastily. "You‟re mistaken."

We continue to walk, when I feel Peter pull me back to him.

"What the hell was that?" He snaps to me.

"Pete he knows this place a lot better than we do." I snap back. "We haven't been here for years! For Heaven sake even Cair Paravell is to ruin. Now stop being a mardy ass and act like the king you are supposed to be!"

I walk away from Peter before he can even reply to my angry comment.

We continue on, walking until we hit another dead end. We all look down at the rushing water below.

" See over hundreds of years, water eroded the earths soil... " Susan spoke smartly.

"Oh, shut up." He snaps.

"Is there a way down?" I ask. 

"Yeah, falling." He says. "Come. There is a ford at Beruna. Any of you mind swimming?"

"Anything is better than walking." Susan replied and started to walk.

They start to walk away.

But Lucy glances back.

"Aslan?" Lucy says and I turn around seeing him too.

"Oh It is Aslan!" I yell to the others in excitement.  "It is Aslan over there!"

"Well, can't you see?" Lucy smiles and we both turn around. "He is right..."

As we both turn back, we see nothing. Our smiles fade, instantly.

"There." I finished her sentence.

"Do you see him now?" Trumpkin sarcastically spoke as he looked to us.

"We are not crazy." I snap.

"He was there." Lucy beamed yearning for Aslan to come back. "He wanted us to followhim."

"I am sure there are any number of lions in this wood. Just like that bear." Peter spoke not believing us either.

I look at him upset that he is calling me and his sister a liar.

"I think we know Aslan when we see him." I argue back.

"Look, I‟m not about to jump off a cliff after someone who doesn't exist." Trumpkin argued with me, which got me even more mad.

"The last time I didn't believe Lucy and Soph, I ended uplooking pretty stupid." Ed spoke referring to when we went to Narnia the first time.

"Why wouldn't I have seen him?" Peter asked.

"Maybe you weren't looking." Lucy spoke.

"I‟m sorry, Lu." Peter says and walks away, followed by the rest of them.

Lucy looks back, sad.  

"But Sophia" she sighs and hugs into me, as we looked to where our dear friend once was.

"I know Lu." I sighed as I kissed her head softly. "I know"

As we walked on, we started to talk about our times we used to share in Narnia the first time we came to our favourite place. We spoke about the Beavers, Mr Tumnus and Aslan. Our most amazing times in Narnia. Lucy, Susan and I began to pick the berries from the tree and savouring them in our mouths. We always used to collect berries when we lived in Cair Paravell and even made Jams and Cakes, pastries. We loved baking within the castle.


"Sophia!" Susan squealed as I threw flour at the Queen. "I'll get you back!"

"You'll have to catch me first!" I giggled and ran out of the kitchen away from the crazy girl with the flour.

Lucy runs after the two of us, as we made a mess around the castle, being cussed by the cleaners that had made everything so spotless within the whole facility. But we were having so much fun we could not think of anything else, besides I did not want to have any flour on me.

I continued to run away from Susan and Lucy who were now slowly lagging behind me, as I rushed on ahead. As I slowed down I bumped into Peter, he grabbed my waist and gave me a kiss on the forehead. I hugged into him, then quickly pulled away.

"No time Peter." I giggled as I worried about where his sisters were.

"What are you talking about?" He smirked, I knew something was up with him; I knew he was lying to me.

"Peter what-" I spoke but before I could say anything else Peter had grabbed my waist and flour was poured all over my head.

It went up my nose and all down my dress, even Peters hair and nose too. Ha Karma!

"Susan!! Lucy!!" I squealed and we all laughed with each other.

We were disturbed when Ed came round the corner looking at us as if we had gone crazy. I looked to him and smiled.

"Come give us a hug" I smiled walking to him and he laughed shaking his head.

"What's that smell?" Ed spoke as his nose twitches.

Oh crap!

"Shoot!" I squeal with Susan and Lucy; we run off going to see the cookies we had just made, that were no doubt burnt to the crisp.

The boys followed us and we quickly pulled the cookies out that were solid black. We all begin to laugh.


"Don't you remember when we burnt the cookies?" Susan laughed as she spoke to us all.

"Oh my goodness! Yes!" Lucy smiled as she hugged me.

"Or when Peter helped us get Sophia back" Susan laughed as she looked to Peter who was smiling.

"Traitor" I smiled and smiled at him.

He smiled back to me and held onto my hand. I grinned as I looked at our interlocked hands. Everything was so on and off, I hated it. But when it was good, it was amazing.

I just wish it was great all the time.

Sehnsucht - Sequel to 'Sophia The Stalwart' (Peter Pevensie Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now