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"High King Peter?" Caspian asked, then turned to me.

I nodded my head as I looked towards Peter, confirming he was in fact the High King. Rushing to Lucy and Susan I indulged them into a great big hug.

"I believe you called." Peter spoke cockily.

I rolled my eyes.

"Well yes, but... I thought you would be older." He frowned, but playing with Peter.

"Well, if you'd like, we can come back in a few years." Peter turned around slightly not amused.

"No! No, that is alright." He sighed. "You are just... You are not exactly what I expected."

Caspian turns to me smiling. Peter turns to me after following the eyes of Caspian. Jealously ran through Peters veins and he walked to me slowly, looking at the floor when he got beside me.

"Well neither are you!" Edmund spoke as he looks at a minotaur.

"A common enemy unites even the oldest of foes." Trufflehunter smiled

"We have anxiously awaited your return, my liege." A small mouse spoke. "Our hearts and swords are at your service."

"Oh my gosh, he is so cute." I say to Lucy who totally agrees with me.

Reepicheep draws his sword and turns to the crowds of people.

"Who said that?!" He yells.

I look down embarrassed, I step forward slightly. Looking up I see Caspian laughing at me slightly, knowing what would happen next.

"Oh Sorry..." I looked down blushing.

"Oh, uh... your majesty." He retracted his outburst. "With the greatest respect...I do believe courageous, courteous, or chivalrous might more befit a knight of Narnia."

"Well, at least we know some of you can handle a blade." Peter spoke dryly, aiming it to Caspian.

I rolled my eyes and Caspian walked to me and the girls.

"Well, you are right there" Caspian spoke to Peter. "Sophia definitely knows how to handle a blade"

I smiled, blushing towards the boy. Where as Peter was very tense, his jaw was chiseled due to him biting down to stop himself from saying anything he might regret.

"Yes, indeed. And I have recently put it to good use acquiring weapons for your army, sire." Reep smiled, ignoring Caspian and he bowed slightly to Peter.

"Good. Because we are going to need every sword we can get." Peter ordered.

"Well then" Caspian spoke as he took the sword from the tree. "You will probably be wanting yours back."

He walked to Peter and handed the sword back to him; walked over to us and introduced himself to Susan, Luc and Ed. I walked off following the others who seemed to be packing up the tents and belongings to move somewhere else.

As I walked I felt Lucy pull onto my arm, she looked up to me smiling, her beautiful smile always made me so happy knowing I was sharing my adventures with the little girl I think of as my sister.

"What is happening between you and Peter?" Lucy asked.

"I do not know Lucy" I sighed. "He wanted a break to figure out what we want and if there is anything worth fighting for"

Lucy could see I very very upset and confused by it all; she indulged me into a massive hug of comfort and love.

"He was jealous earlier when Caspian was flirting with you" she smiled.

"I know" I smiled.

"Caspian is very attractive" she giggled which made me laugh.

Peter walked past us giggling at each other. He turned and looked at me, gave me a smile and walked past me gently. I looked to him and longed for him to come back to me, for us to go back to how we used to be. Lucy saw my need for Peter to come back and gave me another hug.

"It will become clear in time" she smiled.

For a young girl, Lucy was very wise and faithful. She always gave great advice on what to do, even if she had not experienced it herself. She must of got that from Aslan himself, as he was very much like that, very wise and knowledgeable. As we walked further Caspian walked to the side of me and we began to talk.

"What happened to your head?" Lucy asked me referring to my cut on the side of my forehead.

"Oh yes. Um Sophia, I meant to apologise for hitting you on the head" he blushed embarrassed. "I did not know it was you to begin with"

Peter heard and turned in his tracks walking back to Caspian and I.

"You did what?" He snapped to Caspian and pushed him back slightly.

He grabbed me and pulled me to him, looking at the cut on my head. His grip was very tight and protective, but it hurt. Lucy opened her eyes wide in shock and fear as to what might happen next.

"Caspian did not mean to do it" I defended him and Peter brought me closer to him. "Peter I am okay"

"Touch her again." Peter snapped harshly and bitterly. "I will kill you"

"Pete you are hurting me" I moaned and he let go instantly.

"Look Soph I wanted to -" Peter began but we were cut off by a women screaming in the woods.

Peter raced off with Caspian to see what the matter was. The Narnians ran after them, pushing me, Susan and Lucy away from it all. A crowd gathered around the mysterious person. I kept trying to push my way through the circle to see who this person was.

"She is beautiful" I heard one of the Narnians mumble to the other.

Jealously hit me.

If they thought that, Peter would too.

My head began to over crowed with so many thoughts and feelings, that I had seemed to freeze in my spot. Susan came to me and pulled me through the wall of people; to the others that were with this girl.

As I walked closer to her, I could see the back of her head. She had bright blonde hair that was cut up to below her shoulder. Mid length. Peter was staring at her in a memorised manner, he looked up to me, standing up.

He helped the girl up and she turned to me.

"Hello my Queen" she bowed looking at me with her green eyes.

I gulped.

Sehnsucht - Sequel to 'Sophia The Stalwart' (Peter Pevensie Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now