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I hit her sword with huge blows, realising my anger out on this fight. I did not like this girl and I sure as hell was not going to lose this fight. In the distance I saw Peter come through the crowd, he looked to me and I stared at him for a second. Then suddenly I was thrown to the ground. I groaned in pain as the Narnians gasped in shock and horror.

"Looks like I win" she boasted.

I moved my legs so she tripped over them. Standing up quickly I grabbed her sword and mine, pointing them at the her. She looked at me, glaring at me.

"Looks like I win" I say and gives her sword back.

Peter comes and helps her up and looks to me. He walks over alone and places his hand on my arm.

"You did really well" he smiled.

"Thanks" I mumble.

He looks at me and I immediately look down.

"I do not want you coming on the raid." He explained. "Stay here with Lucy"

"No way!" I rolled my eyes, yelling slightly.

"I am looking out for you Soph" he stressed as I walked away. "I care about you"

I stopped in my tracks and looked to him.

"You care about me?" I laugh mocking his words. "Peter do me a favour and go back to your new girlfriend."

He looked to me and then to her.

"Sophia!" He called to me as I ran away not wanting to hear anymore crap that came from his mouth.

As I ran through the How trying to dodge anyone I ran past, I hit into Caspian. He looked to me worried and hugged me, kissing my head.

"You wanna talk about it?" He asks.

I shake my head no in response. I wanted to get away from it all, not wanting to look at Peter ever again. I hated him, but I loved him.


*Katherine's POV*

I knew Sophia was onto me, but I did not care. They were getting into the hands of them very soon and I could not wait till I see there faces drop and their lives get destroyed. Getting close to Peter was one of my favourite things to do, I knew his only weakness, even though he would not want to admit it.

It was her.


Likewise I knew her secrets as well, her fears, her talents. She hated me and I hated her - small world.

Sophia had seemed to be getting closer to Caspian which I knew made Peter very jealous. But I was about to ruin it all and I was not ashamed to do so.

Peter walked over to me and smiled.

"Nice match hey?" He smiled.

"Great match" I smiled. "But my back hurts"

"You did well" he smiled and I looked to him.

He looked back to me and turned around. I stared at the back of his head for a moment and I saw Sophia come around the corner with Caspian. I grabbed Peters hand, turned him around and kissed his lips. I heard a gasp come from Sophia's mouth and I smirked as I kissed her beloved.


*Sophia's POV*

"What the hell!" I whisper slightly and Caspian holds me back from getting near them.

I push Caspian off me and runs off back to the How. Susan and Lucy ran off after me. I see Peter pull away and look to me; goes to run after me. Ed and Caspian pull him back so he cannot get too me, as they know it's best to leave me alone for a while.

I sat on my own, in a small space where no one could find me. I sat there looking around. My heart had changed. My heart had broken. I closed my eyes, wanting to escape everything. With that I fell into a deep sleep.

"Sophia" Susan whispered as she woke me up. "It's time for the raid"

I stood up and wiped underneath my eyes; she looked at me with sympathetic eyes.

"Sophia I know it is difficult-" she began but I stopped her.

"I do not want to think about it" I say. "It is over"


A griffin flies in, carrying Ed to the castle first. They both land on top of a tower, out of sight of a soldier who stands guard. He looks up after hearing Ed but sees nothing.

I stood there watching Ed hoping he would not get caught. Then, the griffin grabs the solider, knocking him out. Edmund jumps down, and uses his electric torch to signal the us that we could come. Peter, Katherine, Susan, and Caspian, and I were too being carried by griffins, we flew in and landed on the castle grounds.

Caspian flies low and kills a soldier on the roof so they did not see us and warn the others of our visit. I look to him and goes to climb up the wall, my foot slips and I fall slightly, but I feel someone grab my waist to steady to me. I looked to see Caspian, smiling at me.

"You okay?" He asks.

"Yeah" I nod my head. "Thanks"

I continue to get up the wall and help Susan get up too. We follow Caspian through the castle. Where Caspian stood and knocks on a window.

"Professor?" Caspian calls.

Caspian opens the window and steps into who I am assuming is where is professors study is. I step in and looks around to see loads of books. One of the books has a picture of Lucy, me and Susan back in the Golden era. I smile and flicks the page. I see a picture of me and Peter being married and I immediately close the book, making it echo around the castle. They all turned to me. As I looked I saw Katherine was missing. Where is Katherine gone? I think to myself.  Peter and Susan follow they rest of us Caspian finds a pair of glasses on the table.

"I have to find him." Caspian said.

"You don't have time. You have to get to the gatehouse." Peter snapped.

"You wouldn't even be here without him." Caspian snapped not backing down "And neither would I."

Peter looks to Susan and then she looks to me as we exchange glances, I look to Caspian.

"We can take care of Miraz." I speak.

"And I can still make it to the gatehouse in time." He says.

Caspian then runs off.

"Wait Caspian!" I whisper shout. "I will come with you"

I follow after him, but before I am too far I hear Susan turn to Peter.

"Um where is Katherine?" Susan asks.

Sehnsucht - Sequel to 'Sophia The Stalwart' (Peter Pevensie Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now