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We walked out of the room and outside of City Hall. It was a lovely day here. Brendon kept a nice hold on my hand, which felt really nice.

I still couldn't believe that I'm with Brendon.

"Here we are doll." I kept on questioning why he was calling me doll. Brendon opened the door to his Porsche Carrera, which was absolutely beautiful.

"Wow, this is amazing!" I said aloud. I heard a chuckle from Brendon, which put a smile on my face. I opened the door and got in. There was no roof, but it's not like it mattered.

"What do you think?" Brendon asked. I was in complete shock, this was just amazing.

"I-I love it!" I exclaimed. There was nothing else I could say, it was the truth. He smiled again, which warmed my insides. It's different when it's in person.

Brendon got in on his side, and then we drove off.

"So, what's the town like?" I asked, curious as to what you would do in a town that's only dedicated to one band.

"Well, I find it great! Being the mayor and all. We get events and all, like every Sunday you can go to the concert hall at seven and I do acoustic sessions, it's fun most of the time." He shrugged, looking at me for a split second than back at the road.

"Sounds fun! What songs do you do in acoustic sessions?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" He asked, stopping at a red light and looking at me.

"Well like, do you do Gospel on the piano or say Girls/Girls/Boys on the guitar? And is it usually like one song, or multiple?"

"Depends, I try my best to do a mix of multiple songs, some nights I'll do a special song and then say Bohemian after. Only bohemian though!" He seemed serious about that.

"We don't allow any bands or artists that aren't Panic! And we also don't allow contact from the outside world." His tone became extremely strict, which kind of scared me.

"So, I'm gonna need your phone, now." He said, sticking his hand out as he continued to look at road. I pulled it out of my back pocket and put it in his hand. He threw me a side smile and put the phone in his back pocket.

"So," I trailed off, trying to change the subject.

"What makes this city different from any other city?"

"That's a great question! See, instead of regular clothes stores, we have stores that consist of just Panic! At the disco merchandise. The grocery stores are the same, it's not like we have Panic! flavoured food." He chuckled at his remark.

"But other than that, it's pretty normal." He finished. I nodded, still a little scared when he became strict.

"So, how long have you been a fan of Panic!?" His random change of subject surprised me.

"Since two-thousand and fourteen, not that long but still, I'm a great fan! Know all the songs by heart, listen to them constantly. Sometimes I'll put twenty one pilots in the shuf-" I was cut off by Brendon slapping me.

"You do not speak of that name!" He raised his voice. I swear a tear rolled down my cheek. It wasn't the pain that hurt me, it was the action.

"Oh, doll, I didn't mean it." His voice softened. I looked away and started to silently cry.

"Honey please don't, I'm sorry."

He pulled over and pulled me closer in a hug. I was balled up in his chest as he rubbed my back.

"Look, I'm so sorry doll, I didn-"

"My names not doll nor honey! It's Faelecia." I said.

"Faelecia, look at me." He placed his middle and index finger under my chin, pulling it up so I could face him. He took his free hand and wiped away the tears.

"I swear to god, I did not mean that at all, I-I just lost control." His voice gave out a sincere tone. I just nodded and gave off a soft smile.

"Why can't that band be named?" I asked, moving back to my seat.

"It's a political thing, Me vs Tyler and other members of other bands. It's a, stressful thing." He said starting the car again.

We drove off in an awkward silence.

"So, we're passing by the concert hall, I'm doing an acoustic tonight." He said, nonchalantly. I nodded and took the sleeve of my Panic! Sweatshirt and wiped away the rest of the tears.

"So, do you always take new citizens out for tours?"

"Nope, I just found you so..." He trailed off, thinking about what to say.



We drove around for a while, Brendon pointing things out and telling me about all the big events that happen.

"I believe that you'll fit into UrieCity well!" He smiled, making me smile too.

"Wait! You're telling me that I'm a resident now?" I practically yelled because I couldn't contain my excitement.

"Yeah, not totally, but when you sign your papers you will become one." I bounced around in my seat.

"Woah woah woah, you can chill." He laughed, placing a hand on my knee.

"But umm, I was wondering if you wanted to come over to my place."

UrieCity {Book 1}//B.UWhere stories live. Discover now