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"Oh, well, I'm gonna take a shower, hope you feel better doll!" He kissed the top of my head, which made me cringe, luckily he couldn't see.

I heard him shuffle around the room before I heard the bathroom door shut. When I heard the shower start, I ran downstairs and looked for his phone, there was someone in there who could help me get back at him.

I searched everywhere, until I realised I didn't search the couch cushions. Surely enough, the phone was there. I clicked the home screen and swiped right, showing a pass-code.


I randomly guessed.

2580: Nope

1111: Nope

1234: Yes

Wow, what a child. What a custard. 'Custard?' you must be thinking, yes I used the word custard. It's a mix of two swear words.

I went into his contacts as quickly as my fingers could tap and his internet could load. I scrolled and scrolled until I found a name that was totally familiar to me: Tyler Joseph.

I called it as fast as I could.

"Brendon, why are you calling me?" Tyler sighed. I slightly fan-girled inside.

"Um, actually, this isn't Brendon. There's a long story but I know you two hate each other, so I was thinking, I wanna get back at him. Would you possibly wanna help me?" I asked, assuming he would say no.

"Why of course! What were you thinking?" He asked.

"Well, I need you to come to UrieCity ASAP, alright? If Brendon finds out that I called you he would kill me. I'll meet you at the border."

"Sounds like a plan! I'll be here in 30 minutes." He hung up, leaving me feeling happy on the inside. I just talked to Tyler Joseph of twenty one pilots. I quietly took the car keys and left the house for the second time in less than an hour.

I drove all the way down to the border, which took twenty minutes. I told the police there that Tyler was a friend of mine and they let him in when he got there. Cops in this city are dumb.

Tyler got out of the Taxi Cab (hehe) and I got out of my vehicle.

"You're the one who called right?" He asked. I nodded and we both hugged.

"I'm sorry, I haven't properly introduced myself, I'm Faelecia!" I smiled, sticking my hand out. He shook it and smiled.

"I'm Tyler! So, what was the plan?" He asked, me quickly shushing him after.

"I think we need to go somewhere private to talk about this, we can go to a hotel or something, but I don't have money, so scrap that." Tyler laughed at how much I was talking.

"It's fine, I'm down for paying, but how are we gonna get there?" He asked. I laughed and pointed to the Porsche behind me. His eyes grew wide and he laughed.

"That's yours?"

"Well technically it's Brendon's, but he's in the shower so I'm using it." We both got into the car and talked the whole way there. We didn't talk about the plan, but we just talked about how much we hate Brendon.

"Alright, we're here, at UrieHotel!" I rolled my eyes saying 'Urie'. Tyler sighed and we both got out. He took his wallet and pulled out a one hundred dollar bill. We walked in and paid the receptionist the money for a room for the night.

"Alright, you ready to hear the plan?" I asked, raising my eyebrow, laughing right after. He nodded and we both sat criss-cross on the bed, facing each other.

"I'm all ears!"

"Well, this is gonna be very confusing, so bear with me. Four days ago, I moved to this city, and on that day I met Brendon while applying for the city. Later on I went to a clothes store and met this girl named Jessica. She told me she thought that Brendon was sketchy, and then I agreed. In the morning, at around like three in the morning, I think, but anyways, I told him what she told me and he injected me with some drug that made me pass out. When I woke up, LA Devotee was happening. There was a huge screen with Brendon's face being projected on it, and then he walked out. I was insulting him and he got mad, so he made this three masked people came out and put electrocuting crap on my temples and then. Boom! I was being electrocuted. After a while Brendon stopped it and we both thought I died. He checked my pulse, I was alive, yahoo! He took me to the hospital, but he must've wiped my memory because I didn't remember the whole night. He lied and told me that we've been married for two years." I took a deep breath after, trying to catch all of that I lost explaining to him.

"Wowzers!" Tyler said.

"I know,"

"So, how do I factor into all of this?" He asked.

"Well, we both hate Brendon, so I was thinking that we could do what he did to me, but on him. You get what I'm getting at?" I asked.

"So you're saying that we should kidnap Brendon, and electrocute him?" I nodded as he fully comprehended what I had explained to him.

"Well then I think we should get to work, huh Faelecia?"

UrieCity {Book 1}//B.UWhere stories live. Discover now