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Later that night

Brendon wanted me to put on make up and dress up for our date. I was gonna fight against it, but I did wanna look nice for my 'first' date.

I didn't go over board on the make up, just some mascara and blood red lipstick. I also did my hair, by that I mean I curled it. I also put on a dressy tank top and a pair of ripped jeans, which Brendon thought was beautiful.

"Oh my god! You look absolutely beautiful Faelecia!" I smiled and looked at him. He had on a pair of black jeans, a black t-shirt and his gold overcoat.

"So, where are we going?" I asked, getting into the car with Brendon.

"Providence." My eyes nearly popped out of my head. Did he not know how expensive Providence was?!

"Providence, are you like, crapping money?" I yelled, but added a tone in my voice to make it sound like I was joking.

"Well you know, I'm in a band that's famous." He chuckled. I laughed along with him awkwardly for a second, but then got comfortable and laughed normally.

"Now, this is expensive, but I don't want you wasting my money, got it?" He joked. I laughed and playfully punched his arm.

"I'm probably not gonna like anything in that restaurant, I'm more of a McDonald's kinda person, as you know."

We got to the restaurant, and surprisingly, didn't have to wait like everyone else did. In fact we cut everyone, which I thought was pretty rude, but I dismissed telling him.

"Reservation under the name Urie." He snaked his hand around the back of my waist, pulling me closer. The lady looked down at her notebook, and then let us inside.

She seated us in a private area of the restaurant, a waiter coming real soon.

"Hello, I'm Ernest, your waiter, may I start you off with some drinks?" He seemed nervous in Brendon's presence, which made sense because he seems intimidating at first.

"I'll have gin, what about you Faelecia?" He looked at me and then back at the waiter.

"I'll just have a water please." The waiter wrote down our drinks and left.

"Lame, you're going to drink or no?"He asked, picking up the menu and looking at the appetisers.

"I guess I'll drive home then." I laughed, taking my menu and looking at it. In the background you could silently hear Impossible Year, basically all the slow Panic! songs.

"Wow! Everything here is so fancy, I've never heard of this." I said, mostly talking to myself more than Brendon.

"It may seem expensive, but it's tasty for sure." The waiter came back with Brendon's gin and my water.

"Are you guys ready to order?" Asked the waiter. I nodded and placed my menu down, Brendon as well. The waiter took them and placed them between his arm and his armpit.

"For you Mr.?"

"I'll have the Pasta with lamb ragu." He took a sip of his gin.

"You ma'am?"

"I'll have the lamb salad with fregola." I felt awkward in this place, I don't even know what I ordered, I just saw the word 'salad' in it.

The waiter wrote down our order and ran off, shaking.

"Wow! He was scared. I feel bad for that guy." I said. Brendon just chuckled and took another big sip of his gin.

As we got more into the date, we talked more and got along. Brendon had at least eight gins, in other words, he's slammed!

"You know what, Faele-le!" His phrases were slurred that you couldn't even understand what he was saying.

"What, Brendon?" I was laughing at how funny he was acting. His face was all scrunched up. (Perfect example, look at the gif below)

"I love you!" He took forever to pronounce the word 'love'

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"I love you!" He took forever to pronounce the word 'love'. I laughed and walked over to his seat, helping him get up. The waiter came by with bill. Brendon stuffed his hand in his pocket and pulled out two hundred dollars. He slammed the money on the table and stumbled off.

I caught up with him in the span of three steps. I had one hand on his back for support and the other one holding his.

We walked out into the public area, and Brendon was bumping into people, even when I tried to move him around he would go in the opposite direction.

"Brendon, walk normally!" I whisper-yelled. He just laughed and fell on the floor.

"I'm so sorry!" I said loudly so the people around me could hear. Brendon got up and walked out the door, me being right behind him. He kept tripping on air, but my support was helping him from falling face first on the pavement.

"Alright Brendon, get in the passenger seat."

"Nah nah nah, I'm pluto capable of drifting." I couldn't stop laughing my head off, it was obvious that he was completely drunk, and everyone in the neighbour hood knew it too.

He got in the passenger seat after 10 minutes of me explaining why he can't drive. I got in my seat, Brendon was laughing hysterically for no reason. He had his feet up on the seats and he had his arms crossed on his stomach, not his chest, but his stomach.

I knit my eyebrows in confusion and went to start the car, but only to search my jean pocket for no keys.

"Brendon, give me the keys." I said. He stuck his tongue out at me and laughed.

"No way, you're gonna have to fight me for them."He continued to laugh while getting the keys out of his pocket. He stuck them out right in front of my face, so I snatched them from his hand.

"No not fair, you cheated, give me those keys now!" He yelled, throwing a temper tantrum in the car. C'mon, now this is getting embarrassing.

I started the car and drove off, Brendon calmed down and laid his head on my legs as I drove.

"Faelecia..." He mumbled.

"Yes Brendon?" I asked, moving around so I can get comfortable with him laying on me.

"You remember that burn mark on your hand? Well you got it when I kidnapped you and did that cult thingy ma-bob, and then when I electrocuted you, you got the mark." He started laughing as hard as he could, again, getting up from my legs and stretching. I laughed as well because there's no way that that's possible.

"Oh Brendon, you're funny when you're drunk, but we're home , so you're gonna have to go inside, I'll help you get to bed."

"I don't wanna!"He yelled, throwing yet another temper tantrum in the car. I got out of my side after turning the car off. I had to grab his arms and pull him up. He stumbled out of the car and we walked into the house.

He fell on the stairs once trying to get up, but he was fine. We walked into the bedroom and I gave Brendon his Batman pyjama pants.

"I'll change in the bathroom, you can change in here." I walked off to the bathroom and changed, walking out to see Brendon actually changed.

"Goodnight!" he said, before hoping onto the bed. I laughed to myself and thought about how bad his hangover's gonna be in the morning.

UrieCity {Book 1}//B.UWhere stories live. Discover now