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I nearly fell off my seat when I heard Brendon's booming voice. 

"Good god, you almost gave me a heart attack!" I gripped onto my chest, but Brendon didn't even care.

"Who is this?" He pointed to Jessica, his eyebrows knit and lips slightly parted. His mouth was always like that when he was mad, probably because if he wanted to yell, his mouth was already open, which gave him a head start.

"This is Jessica, I remember her from when I applied for a job at New clothes for the emperor, that's all." I said, snatching my sandwich from out of his hand and eating it.

"Honey, you never worked at that store. You never worked in the entirety of our relationship, silly!" He bopped my nose and got back to his serious self. 

"B-but I remember working there. I remember Jessica teaching me about how to do this and that." I argued.

"Sweetie, that must've been some crazy dream, now c'mon, let's go home." He got a hold on my hand and was practically dragging me out of the McDonald's before I could say goodbye to Jessica. 

I was fuming as Brendon pulled me into the front seat of the car.

"What was that for? I finally remember something and you crap all over it! Why are you like this, you're always so protective over me! You're supposed to be my husband, not my dad!" I yelled, crossing my arms over my chest in frustration. Brendon scoffed in ignominy.

"Sorry that I care about you and I don't want you hanging out with those sketchy people. I want you to be safe, I don't want you to forget stuff again! Because it kills me that you don't remember me! What we had was so special and, and, I don't want to lose it! Alright! I'm scared that you're gonna leave me and never want to see me again because you fell and got a concussion! I love you with all my heart, and for you to not remember makes me upset! That's why I've been upset lately, and I'm so extremely sorry for taking it out on you. I never meant it, I just, wanna do something special with you." We got home and walked in, sitting on the couches.

"Well, since I don't remember our wedding, maybe we could renew our vows, something that involves a wedding." Brendon looked up and smiled.

"You see, that's something we can do!" 

We both got up and went to our bedroom, sleeping in the same bed tonight. I changed in the bathroom and Brendon changed in the bedroom. I got out and Brendon was already in bed, on his phone watching some messed up Youtube pranks.

They were two British men, brothers I'm guessing, and one was always pranking the other one. I laid my head on Brendon's chest as we both watched, you know, a cute couple cliché. 

I slowly fell asleep on his chest, slinging my arm on my side of the bed, which was empty because I was on Brendon's side. Instead of him moving me, he put his phone way and turned off the lamp, going to bed after. 

Maybe he did love me, and he was just upset. I guess I shouldn't have assumed he didn't. I also have to admit, that I love Brendon too. He was a sweet man and he did care about me, and I can't believe that I thought otherwise for a second.

I woke up and Brendon wasn't there, but I did smell pancakes and knew he was making food. I quickly got up and ran downstairs. 

Brendon, as I knew, was in the kitchen making pancakes. 

"Morning sweetheart!" He smiled, looking over his shoulder to see me. I smiled and went behind him, giving him a back hug. 

"I love you Bren!" I heard a quick chuckle from the nickname. He finished taking whatever he was cooking off of the element, probably because it was cooked. 

"Love you too Fae!" He turned to face me. We both leaned in and peck our lips. Brendon then took the pan with the food and placed them on two plates.

"Here, I'll go get the syrup!" He quickly ran to the fridge and got some butter, syrup and chocolate syrup.

"Why are we having such a fancy breakfast? Today's just an ordinary day, isn't it?" I laughed.

"Well I thought we were gonna renew our vows today." He said, opening up the bottle of syrup and pouring it on his food. I put my butter on first and then the syrup. 

Brendon had a mix of translucent brown and a dark brown on his pancakes. because of the chocolate syrup and the plain syrup. I laughed at his childish behaviour, he seemed to be a man of power, but was an actual child on the inside. 

But he is my husband and I love him. 

When we finished eating, Brendon put the dishes away and I got dressed.

"Faelecia!" Brendon yelled from downstairs. I quickly tugged my shirt over my head, but peeked my head out the door because I had no pants on.

"Yes?" I looked down the stairs and saw Brendon there.

"Put on something cute and make up if you want!" He yelled again.


"Because we're going on a date!"

UrieCity {Book 1}//B.UWhere stories live. Discover now