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When I woke up, Brendon wasn't in bed, which didn't surprise me. He gets mad easily, that's what I learned from the two days I've remembered him.

I felt too awake to sleep, but too tired to get up.

I got over myself and got up, going downstairs to get some breakfast. I stepped as quietly as I could, wanting to not wake up Brendon, wherever he was sleeping.

I had to walk through the living room to get to the kitchen. While passing by, I saw Brendon sleeping on the couch, arm slung over the edge and mouth open slightly as he snored. He was cute, but he was scary too.

When I went past the living room, I made my way to the kitchen. It took me until I got to the kitchen to realise that I don't know anything about cooking.

I rolled my eyes and went back to the living room. I sat in one of the black chairs and looked at Brendon as he slept, he was so cute.

Little snores would escape his parted lips, his arm was slung over the end of the couch. I'd sometimes see him twitch, which made me laugh a little.

Brendon overall, looked like an adorable man, but if you went on his mean side, you'd get the wrath of Brendon Boyd Urie.

As I stared at him, I just took in all his facial features. His lips were so plump and pink, I could just plant mine on his. His nose might be a bit big, but I like it. His eyes were a beautiful dark brown that could hypnotise you if he wanted to.

His hair, don't even get me started. It was always beautiful, whether messy or clean. Sometimes there would be a piece that would stick out awkwardly on his forehead. Its always either slicked back or slicked back and pushed to the side. He also had this scar on his left eyebrow. He got it when he was little because he fell and hit his head on the curb. Why do I know this? I have no idea.

Brendon started to stir, and I saw those beautiful eyes open. He squinted and looked at me, taking his glasses off of the table and placing them on his face.

"Hey Doll. What are you doing?" He asked, getting up in a sitting stance.

"I was gonna make food, but I can't cook, and I'm starving." I heard him laugh and get up. He walked over to me and helped me up.

"McDonald's?" He faced me and smiled. I nodded and smiled while looking at him. We both put on our shoes, disregarding the fact that we were in our pyjamas. I mean it's Brendon's city so I guess he can do whatever he wants.

We got in the vehicle. It was still a little dark out. I checked the time on the clock and it was six in the morning.

"Why is it so early? It feels like it's six PM not AM." I laughed, making Brendon laugh too.

"Look, I'm sorry Faelecia, I've just been off the rails ever since you got that concussion. You know? You losing your memory, it's hard, because I feel that you won't love me like you did. It's stressful, I don't want to lose what we had."

"Look, Brendon, I understand. And I do feel that we have a connection. I love you with all my heart. Yes we will get into fights, and yes some will be worse than others, but I still love you, and I hope you feel the same." I looked into his eyes, only for a split second because he had to drive. His hand went to my knee as he started rubbing it.

We got to McDonald's in no time, it being empty which is great for us because, no line!

"So, what do you want?" He asked as we walked in, hand in hand.

"I don't know, maybe a coffee and a breakfast sandwich. Make the coffee a double double please and thank you." He pat my head like a dog and went in line. I laughed at how weird he was and sat in one of the seats.

Brendon was snapping his fingers to try and draw my attention. He signalled for me to come in line with him. I quickly jogged/ran to him and waited for him to tell me what he wanted to say.

"What do you want on your sandwich?"

"I don't know, English Muffin with Bacon." I looked up at him and he smiled, kindly shooing me back to our spot so no one would steal it. I jogged back and sat back in.

I was playing with my fingers as I saw Brendon was ordering, but then suddenly I felt someone tap at my shoulder. I jumped but then looked at the person.

"Faelecia?" She asked, taking a closer gander at my face.

"I'm so sorry, but I don't recognise you. Do I know you?"

"I'm Jessica from 'New clothes for the emperor'. It's only been a day since we met, how do you not know me?" She asked, seeming upset.

"Oh my god yes! I remember you Jessica! Sorry I just lost you for a second." I quietly laughed but felt really rude on the inside for forgetting her.

I heard the loud footsteps of Brendon's shoes beckoning closer.

"What the hell is going on?"

UrieCity {Book 1}//B.UWhere stories live. Discover now