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"So you're telling me that you kissed me, just so you could trigger some dumb memory?!" He raised his voice.

"Well of course I did, for all I know you could be some stranger! So, yes of course I did that!" I yelled back. He pushed me all the way to the wall, slamming his fists so close to my head that I could feel the air.

"So I'm just your go-to-guy for when you need to trigger a memory?!" He yelled, his chest huffing and puffing as he stared me dead in the eye.

"No! It wasn't like that! I kissed you because I wanted to trigger a memory, and because you're my husband."

His muscles tensed up, but finally he left and went upstairs. I kept myself against the wall, slowly sliding down until I hit the floor. I put my head in my knees and started crying.

This is why I questioned if we were in a relationship or not. Maybe it was just because he felt used, I don't know. But what I do know is that I'm a crying mess and I can't have Brendon see me like this, he'd probably think I'm a loser.

To be honest I am a loser, but whatever.

I heard Brendon's foot steps come down the stairs. The pit in my stomach grew as I heard his footsteps become louder. Then they stopped, and I knew that he was in front of me, considering that his silhouette practically engulfed my figure.

"Babydoll? I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have snapped at you like that. Do you wanna go to bed? You've had a long day." I took a peek up and saw Brendon standing there, looking down at me.

His hair was perfectly still, except for one strand that stood awkwardly on his forehead. He held out both his hands and stepped on my feet.

"Here, give me your hands." I did so, and had him pull me by them and successfully help me stand up. He didn't let go of my arms, just took them and pulled him so we were in a hugging position.

"I-I wanna go to bed." I cried in his chest. God did he ever smell amazing, I hadn't noticed until my face was nuzzled in his chest.

"Yes, of course Sweetheart!" He broke the hug, looking at me and wiping the tears off of my face. I smiled microscopically as a sign of appreciation. He grabbed my hand and we walked upstairs, going to a room that I had no memory about.

"I got your pyjamas right there." He pointed to a pair of pyjamas that had white pants with illustrated drawings of Bert, Ernie, Cookie Monster and Big Bird all over them. Then the shirt was pink and had the four of them together with the caption '#street'.

"Oh, wow these are cute! Where can I change?" I asked, taking the pyjamas and just kind of standing there.

"There's a connected bathroom right there. I'll be on my phone in bed when you come out, alright?" He flashed me a smile. I smiled and walked off to the bathroom.

It was kind of like the house, all white and clean as you wouldn't believe.

I got changed in the soft pyjamas, which were extremely cute. I smiled and looked in the mirror, twirling around and acting cute.

I walked out of the bathroom, and as Brendon said, he was in bed and on his phone. He looked at me and smiled.

"Aww, you look so cute!" He got out of bed. He had a a pair of Batman pyjama pants and was shirtless.

I smiled and hugged him. His chest was chiselled, I could tell when I hugged him and placed my head in it. He was so warm, it's like someone threw me in a fire when I hugged him.

We both let go of the hug at the same time, him going to his side of the bed, and me going to the side that wasn't his.

"Goodnight Faelecia, I love you!" He smiled.

"I love you too, Brendon!"

I fell asleep, but not the way I wanted too. I couldn't stop thinking about what Brendon did, and I was also trying to find out what happened before I got my concussion.

The only thing I can think about was some weird cult ritual thing, but that was just me thinking about the LA Devotee music video.

Brendon was asleep and I had to pee, so I got up and went to the bathroom. When I finished I went to the sink and took one of the miniature cups from the bathroom, filling it with water and then downing it.

As I was doing that, I noticed something funny looking on my hand. I examined it closer, and realised it was a mark. A burn mark to be exact.

I decided that I would ask Brendon about it tomorrow, since I didn't want to wake him up. I walked back to bed and finally fell asleep.

In the morning, I was the first to wake up, which was pretty dumb because I didn't want to invade Brendon's house. Well, he said it was our house. If we're married, the chances of us not living together would be slim.

I got up and walked downstairs, venturing around the house that I guess I once knew. I started upstairs, walking into the closet several times before figuring out where everything was.

Now it was time for the downstairs, I found my way to living room, that was the place I knew best. I came across a great smell, a smell of food. I used my nose to find the kitchen, which wasn't hard since the smell.

Before I was able to see into the kitchen, I heard humming, and I was prepared to pounce at that person, thinking they were an intruder. I walked in slowly, but when I saw those Batman pyjamas, I knew it was Brendon.

"Hey Faelecia!" He smiled, looking back at me. I smiled back and took a gander of what he was making.

"Bacon and eggs, if that's what you're wondering."

"Oh, wow, thanks! I, um, have a question." I said, looking down and playing with my hands. I heard him turn the element off and do something with the pan of bacon.

"Yeah, what's the problem?" He asked.

"What's this thing on my hand? It appears to be a burn mark, but I recall no memory of being burned." I revealed the weird mark to him and he took my hand, examining it.

"Sweetie, I don't know." He said, letting go of my hand.

"Be honest, something happened to me and you're obviously not telling me! Now please, this could be health concerning!"

"Honey, I uh..."

"That's what I thought." I walked off to the living room. Brendon followed.

"Faelecia! Why don't we just go to the doctor and get it checked out?"

"Fine, let's go right now then." I took Brendon's hand and walked to the door, putting my shoes on as he put his on.

UrieCity {Book 1}//B.UWhere stories live. Discover now